Re: Doctor Who: S1.Ep1 Space Babies

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who: S1.Ep1 Space Babies
De : pursent100 (at) *nospam* (%)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 13. May 2024, 15:43:57
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Daniel70 wrote:
Hornplayer9599 wrote on 12/5/24 2:55 am:
On 5/11/2024 11:11, Blueshirt wrote:
As a team, the 15th Doctor and Ruby are fun and they work a lot
better together for me than the 13th Doctor did with her three
Overall, I'd rate "Space Babies" 6.5/10
Yes, my thoughts as well.  Although, considering my allergies are on full blast ATM, I have enough of my own snot to deal with right now! :)
Ewww!! Unclean!! Unclean!! Do I need to swab my laptop with a CoViD-19 test or something??
 (Isn't it good we can laugh about CoViD-19 now?? Sort of!!)
i laughed the whole time ,
i went early in the  morning and ,
sold my place in line

Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 May 24 * Re: Doctor Who: S1.Ep1 Space Babies2Daniel70
13 May 24 `- Re: Doctor Who: S1.Ep1 Space Babies1%

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