Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!
De : agamemnon (at) *nospam* (The True Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 07. Jun 2024, 18:20:15
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v3vc00$24dut$>
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On 07/06/2024 10:35, Blueshirt wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
In article <v3tf97$1n0dm$>,
The True Doctor  <> wrote:
Doctor Whoke is a complete failure. Hardly anyone watches
anything on streaming anyway which is why they won't publish
their actual viewing figures and hours watch but Doctor
Whoke is an absolute disaster.
BTW my watch time over the last 28 days was 240 hours which
is probably more viewing hours Doctor Whoke has ever managed
on Disney+.
And Disney is not in high regard as it use to be.
 Disney will never have a great reputation among sci-fi geeks and
nerds that are so shallow they just can't handle the fact that
their favourite franchises are owned - or being streamed by -
the company that gave the world Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and
Goofy. If Netflix owned these franchises there wouldn't be an
issue. It's just small mindedness. And you prove my case every
time you comment about Disney.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Mickey fucking Mouse or his mates. It's the fact that Disney is now being run by a bunch of child grooming perverts that want to use shows like Doctor Who and Star Wars and the MCU to indoctrinate vulnerable children into becoming homosexual or even worse having parts of their body cut off to try to change gender.
People no longer trust Disney with their children so they stopped subscribing to Disney+ (if they ever paid of a subscription to begin with since most subscriptions came free with mobile phone providers) and stopped going to watch Disney movies.

 These people need to man-up and if they've got a small willy,
just shrug their shoulders and get on with life as it's not a
big deal and nobody actually cares.
Disney needs to stop fucking around with male dominated franchises and stop taking everything out of them that attracted boys and men to watch them such as the heroic journey and replacing these things which appealed to men with disgusting woke propaganda and degenerate feminine tropes based on illogical sentiment and emotion which has nothing to do with science fiction, instead of basing the story on logic, reason, the search for knowledge and learning, the journey leading heroism and manhood, and aspiration.
The audience for Star Wars and Doctor Who is not going to change. It has always been male and will always be male. The majority of women don't watch Star Wars or Doctor Who or anything related to them because their female brains don't understand the masculine values, concepts, and ideas associated with them. Stop pandering to insane bigoted fourth wave feminists who want boys to grow up being treated as if they were girls and girls to be turned into boys. To these retards the only way they can obtain their so-called equality, which in reality is supremacy because their ideology is based on the same fascistic socialist principles espoused by Adolf Hitler, is to impede the progress of men to bring them down to their degenerate level and then regress them still further into nothing more than sperm doners. Read Second Stage Lensmen by E. E. Smith, which is what Star Wars was based on, for proof of this ultimate goal.
All that these stupid moronic man hating retards have succeeded in is to almost bankrupt Disney and destroy every male franchise they've touched.
The True Doctor
"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

Date Sujet#  Auteur
5 Jun 24 * Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!24Ubiquitous
5 Jun 24 `* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!23The True Doctor
6 Jun 24  +- Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!1%
6 Jun 24  +- Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!1Ubiquitous
6 Jun 24  `* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!20Daniel70
6 Jun 24   +* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!7Daniel70
6 Jun 24   i+- Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!1The Last Doctor
7 Jun 24   i`* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!5Daniel70
7 Jun 24   i +- Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!1The Last Doctor
7 Jun 24   i `* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!3Daniel70
7 Jun 24   i  +- Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!1The Last Doctor
8 Jun 24   i  `- Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!1Daniel70
6 Jun 24   +* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!11The True Doctor
7 Jun 24   i+* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!9The Last Doctor
7 Jun 24   ii+* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!7The True Doctor
7 Jun 24   iii+* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!2Daniel70
8 Jun 24   iiii`- Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!1Daniel70
7 Jun 24   iii`* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!4The True Doctor
7 Jun 24   iii `* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!3The True Doctor
7 Jun 24   iii  `* Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!2The True Doctor
8 Jun 24   iii   `- Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!1The True Doctor
7 Jun 24   ii`- Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!1The True Doctor
7 Jun 24   i`- Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!1Daniel70
7 Jun 24   `- Re: Doctor Who Ratings DISASTER | Episode 5 Loses 500,000 Viewers with Ncuti Gatwa's Return!1Daniel70

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