Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue

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Sujet : Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue
De : agamemnon (at) *nospam* (The True Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 08. Jun 2024, 03:58:29
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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This is the episode everyone was dreading. The one where the child grooming pervert portrays the fake Doctor as totally gay and effeminate while insulting the legacies of all of his predecessors by bringing them into his totally degenerate narrative.
Back in 1963 the Doctor was established as the character of a father and grandfather of at least one granddaughter in the very first episode of Doctor Who, and therefore was intended to be perceived by the audience as a male heterosexual role model, not as gender fluid, not as being gay, not effeminate, and not trans. This is why people allowed their children to watch Doctor Who as it was intended to be a family show representing the family values of the overwhelming majority of Britons where a man marries a woman in order to father legitimate children and bring them up like their parents and their grandparents as the parents were brought up themselves.
The audience of Doctor Who, which as everyone now knows ended in 2017, came to watch the show because the Doctor provided them with a hero, a role model and father figure for them to aspire to, emulate, and live their lives in the manner of.
The audience of Doctor Who was and still is overwhelmingly male, and that is what appeals to a male audience and an intelligent female one, action, adventure, intellect, and the heroic journey, not soap opera based on illogical feelings, sentiment, and emotion which is what drives most male viewers away from everything. Women will watch something good which is made only for men, but most men will not watch programmes made for women.
The Doctor's defining characteristics were his intelligence and his moral integrity after he went through a heroic journey and underwent change and through a process of learning and understanding gained by fighting against adversity became the man he was.
All of that has now been taken away from us the viewers and fans and replaced by a fucking degenerate and disgusting woke lecture on how we must all aspire to become homosexual because sick child grooming perverts like Russel T. Davies have hijacked all that we used to love, cherish, and hold dear, in order to take the audience hostage, especially any children watching under false pretences so as to indoctrinate them, retard their natural development and pervert their minds so that they can be controlled more easily and submit to these perverts lusts and desires.
This is why these disgusting perverts don't want adults in the room while the children are watching because they would guide their children on the right path of decency. They deliberately use infantile writing techniques and infantile attacks on anyone that challenges their degenerate ideology in order to drive the grown-ups and those with intelligence away.
Doctor Who was never about the Doctor's sexuality once it was established in An Unearthly Child that he was heterosexual and a grandfather, because being a grandfather meant that he was beyond sexual desires or relationships.
Now Doctor Who is all about the Doctor's sexuality and gender identity, only about these things and nothing else. The Doctor is written as a complete and utter imbecilic moron who does nothing but mince around and uses gadgets to do his thinking for him instead of his brain. He has been turned into a vile self centred piece of shit that only cares about exacting revenge if he doesn't get his own way, like the pieces of shit who are now in charge of the show who he now represents and is an extension of, not the audience.
While everyone can aspire to being intelligent and to moral integrity and obtain those qualities though learning and following the examples of others, that is not the case when the only thing that represents the character of the Doctor is his sexuality which is contrary to that of 98.5% of the population. Why should they change their sexuality to be like the Doctor? Why would anyone wish to do so? You can change your attitude and study as an adult even if you never liked going to school as a child, but you can't change your sexuality. So clearly these perverts are preying on vulnerable young children.
The audience never needed to know the Doctor's sexuality after An Unearthly Child. They were free to decide for themselves. Now its slammed full in their faces as his only defining characteristic other than being a self centred, self serving, manipulating, piece of shit like the producers and writers of the show itself, because they're only making it for themselves and to manipulate the audience, not to entertain them.
These disgusting shits can't create anything new of their own that people will actually watch so they pray on the audience of something that already exists so that they can indoctrinate them.
Gatwa and Gibson arrive in 1813 in the Regency period so the writers can parody Jane Austen and mock the likes of Lord Byron and the British upper classes in general.
A society ball has been taken over by a bunch of aliens who get their kicks by cosplaying a person they want to be like, after they've murdered them and changed into their form.
These aliens, who are obviously written as a demeaning representation of Doctor Who fans and fans of other franchises such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel Comics and DC Comics, who attend conventions dressed as their favourite characters who they aspire to being like, are being hunted down by a homosexual character called Rogue who falls in love with Ncuti Gatwa and gives him his ring to express his desire to marry him. This entire gay mating ritual is performed in public in order to out the cosplaying aliens by eliciting disgust among the other ball attendees.
The aliens are outed, Gatwa and Rogue devise a trap and Gibson gets caught in it along with 4 out of 5 of the aliens after Gatwa thinks they've killed and replaced her. Gatwa prepares to send them all to a random dimension where no one will ever find them, but when the the 5th alien turns up out of the blue we find out that she was overpowered by Gibson and her magic ear rings given to her earlier by Gatwa.
No one on this piece of shit of a show does anything based on their own merit. Everything is given to them on a gold plate because they're special.
This is the degenerate thinking of the woke retards and perverts in charge of the show. No longer do these perverts want fans to emulate their favourite characters and be like them by undergoing a heroic journey of learning, understanding and aspiration based on merit. Fans must now worship at the alter of homosexuality and by doing so they will be given everything they desire as a gift without having to struggle for it.
It's now too late. The machine has already being started and it can't be stopped. The 5th alien is pushed into the triangle to join the others to be expelled into another dimension and Rogue sacrifices himself for Millie Gibson, after giving Gatwa, who once again is crying like a little girl with tears all over his face, a lingering gay kiss on the lips. Gatwa at the end puts Rogue's ring on one of his fingers to join all of his other gay rings.
Absolute infantile effeminate shit written in order to sexually children, made even more disgusting by displaying the faces of all of Gatwa's predecessors as if they approved.
The True Doctor
"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

Date Sujet#  Auteur
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8 Jun 24 +* Re: Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue49The True Doctor
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9 Jun 24 i `* Re: Doctor Who S01E06 Rogue12The True Doctor
9 Jun 24 i  +- Re: Doctor Who S01E06 Rogue1%
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12 Jun 24 i     `- Re: Doctor Who S01E06 Rogue1The Last Doctor
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8 Jun 24 +- Re: Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue1Idlehands
8 Jun 24 +* Re: Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue11The True Doctor
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10 Jun 24 i`* Re: Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue9Daniel70
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11 Jun 24 i  `* Re: Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue5The True Doctor
11 Jun 24 i   `* Re: Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue4Daniel70
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12 Jun 24 i      `- Re: Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue1The True Doctor
9 Jun 24 +- Re: Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue1%
10 Jun 24 +- Re: Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue1%
11 Jun 24 `* Re: Doctor Who S01E06 Rogue7Idlehands
11 Jun 24  +* Re: Doctor Who S01E06 Rogue4Daniel70
12 Jun 24  i`* Re: Doctor Who S01E06 Rogue3Idlehands
12 Jun 24  i +- Re: Doctor Who S01E06 Rogue1%
12 Jun 24  i `- Re: Doctor Who S01E06 Rogue1Daniel70
11 Jun 24  `* Re: Doctor Who S01E06 Rogue2Daniel70
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