Re: Doctor Who: S1.Ep 5 Rogue

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who: S1.Ep 5 Rogue
De : mich (at) *nospam* (Mich)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 08. Jun 2024, 10:35:21
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Blueshirt wrote:
 Oh my ladies.... THIS IS SHOCKING!
 Richard E Grant's Doctor is now 'canon'?!!! Really!!!
 RTD really is a naughty boy... he probably does it deliberately
though just so somebody can smack his bottom.
 So, in "Rogue" we got Bridgerton, brooding males in costume
(very Heathcliffe), Han Solo, some Kylie, a gay inter-racial
kiss, proper aliens (that looked like birds), Shalka, Suzie from
Torchwood and the obligatory Susan Twist cameo...
Would like to see some more of Kylie (Astrid). I am sure Russel can come up with some timey-wimey techno-bollocks to explain her survival.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
8 Jun 24 * Re: Doctor Who: S1.Ep 5 Rogue2Mich
9 Jun 24 `- Re: Doctor Who: S1.Ep 5 Rogue1Mickmane

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