Re: Doctor Who: S14.Ep 6 Rogue

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who: S14.Ep 6 Rogue
De : ATH (at) *nospam* (Mickmane)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 09. Jun 2024, 14:31:00
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On 09.06.24, Blueshirt  <> wrote:

Oh my ladies.... THIS IS SHOCKING!

Richard E Grant's Doctor is now 'canon'?!!! Really!!!


RTD really is a naughty boy... he probably does it deliberately
though just so somebody can smack his bottom.

I guess you mean the faces in the scanner, and well, that could just be 
what the Doctor _thinks_ he once looked like, not actual old faces. He's 
still confused.

So, in "Rogue" we got Bridgerton, brooding males in costume
(very Heathcliffe), Han Solo, some Kylie, a gay inter-racial
kiss, proper aliens (that looked like birds), Shalka, Suzie from
Torchwood and the obligatory Susan Twist cameo...

Eh... Who or what is Bridgerton and Heathcliffe and Shalka?

Part of me wanted to dislike this episode as I hate costume
dramas... I've never seen Bridgerton or read any Jane Austin
novels! But I actually thought "Rogue" was really good
fun... the episode and the character.

I'm thinking, I really wanted to like this Doctor, but he just keeps 
being very not Doctorish.

The Rogue/Doctor thing seemed very rushed mind you,

My word would be: vulgar. Gross would be another word.

Compare this to the subtle but apparently constant flirting from Captain 
Jack with anything and anyone entering his field of view. That was fun!

(Not talking about Torchwood, Torchwood had too much sex anyway.)

I like M/M, but this...? Lame and over the top. Almost ruined a nice 
song even!

but I did like the shape-shifting killer birds.

Hm... Guess they were ok. Could have been fun with a proper Doctor.

(Human Nature anyone?)


This is probably the best episode of the season so far, but I
have a feeling it's going to be a marmite Doctor Who episode.

What does that mean? Buried and dug out in 1000 years by archeologists? 



8 points for the idea, 4 points for no Matt Smith, -3 points for the 
singing, -6 points for the execution of the idea.

And how did the Doctor not know it was Ruby anyway? He recognized that 
the shapeshifting thingy from the Wild Blue Yonder (or whatever the
episode was called) wasn't Donna by a fraction of the length of her 
wrist or something.

He didn't even recognize his out-of-the-blue <technobabble> earrings?

Oh, while we're at tech. That phaser clone is not a sonic screwdriver, 
it's just a dumb piece of plastic.

And then, Rogue says "Find me." and Doctor just goes on, "nah, I've got 
better things to do than travel around looking at countless new places". 
Oh wait...

A proper Doctor would do something brilliant and would use data from a 
proper screwdriver to find out where the funny gate went, then find a 
way to go there with the TARDIS, or some other means.

Where/when has this 'Doctor' done anything brilliant yet?

Edit: Reading another post here I'm reminded: Wonder whether Rogue's 
missing partner could have been Jack (maybe in his two missing years).



Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 Jun 24 o Re: Doctor Who: S14.Ep 6 Rogue1Mickmane

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