Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster

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Sujet : Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster
De : solar.penguin (at) *nospam* (solar penguin)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho can.arts.sf
Date : 10. Jun 2024, 18:30:08
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v479me$hkv7$>
References : 1
User-Agent : NewsTap/5.5 (iPhone/iPod Touch)

The idiot insisted:

The Doctor (Third Doctor) and companion Jo Grant 
find themselves  on  Earth  embroiled  in  a  conflict 
between  two  alien  races: 
the  Time Lords  of  Gallifrey (the Doctor's people) 
and  the  Vortians,  who  are  trying  to  manipulate 
time  for  their  own  gain.

Introduction of the Zygons: The serial introduces
the Zygons, shape-shifting aliens who become
recurring foes in Doctor Who.

Why do you keep on bothering with this? The AI is never gonna
it right.

solar penguin

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 Jun 24 * Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster4solar penguin
11 Jun 24 +- Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster1Idlehands
11 Jun 24 `* Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster2solar penguin
11 Jun 24  `- Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster1Daniel70

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