Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster

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Sujet : Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 11. Jun 2024, 13:54:54
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v49duc$11l8j$>
References : 1 2 3 4
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solar penguin wrote on 11/6/24 4:49 pm:
The idiot insisted:
In article <v479me$hkv7$>,
solar penguin  <> wrote:
Why do you keep on bothering with this? The AI is never gonna
it right.
I rest my case!
 You do? Really? So you won’t be posting any more of these?
No!! Gobble-de-gook's case is that 'AI' will not/can not get things right .... as the 'AI' is a clone of Gobble-de-gook.
Anyway, Gobble-de-gook will keep posting this tripe to prove that 'AI' might be 'A' but it still isn't 'I'.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 Jun 24 * Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster4solar penguin
11 Jun 24 +- Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster1Idlehands
11 Jun 24 `* Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster2solar penguin
11 Jun 24  `- Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Time Monster1Daniel70

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