Re: Toxic fandom

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Sujet : Re: Toxic fandom
De : YourName (at) *nospam* (Your Name)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 12. Jun 2024, 08:27:07
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v4bf3r$1hamb$>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : Unison/2.2
On 2024-06-11 23:42:39 +0000, Blueshirt said:
Your Name wrote:
On 2024-06-11 19:26:32 +0000, Blueshirt said:
The Doctor wrote:
In article <>,
Blueshirt <> wrote:
 The Timeless Child is going nowhere, you'd want to start
getting used to it... move on.
 The Timeless Child deserved to be rubbished!
 Yes it did. BUT... it was still part of the show.
 The McCoy era deserved to be rubbished, BUT... it was still
part of the show.
 Like any long running TV show Doctor Who has been good,
average and bad... that's the way it goes. But even so, it's
ALL Doctor Who.
 Yes and no.
 Although "reboots" do usually re-use the same or similar names
and are echnically in the same franchise, they are in reality
completely different shows. The most obvious example being
"Battlestar Galactica" - there's the real Glen Larson original
version, then the horrible "Galactica 1980" version, and then
there's the awful Moore-Ron "reboot" version. (There is also a
planned movie version which will be different again, and an
even sillier planned movie that will somehow supposedly link
the two very different versions while ignoring "Galactica
 The problem with Doctor Who is that the main character's
ability to regenerate so they can replace the actor, makes it
harder to spot the "reboot" attempts.  The gender-swapping and
now race-swapping are two of the more blatant "reboot"
attempts within Doctor Who franchise, mainly to appease the
Politically Correct / Equality brigade ... because as we all
"know", there were never any female nor black actors on TV
shows before about 2010,  :-\
 "Reboots" are never a good idea, and simply a sign that the
creator doesn't really know what to do. Another term covering
a simialr sudden change is often "jumping ths shark", named
after an episode of the US sitcom "Happy Days" when they
decided to make big changes to the format becauser they had
run out of sensibly fitting ideas.
 I know the eras of Doctor Who are vastly different but I don't
look at Doctor Who post 2005 (or 2023 onwards even) as reboots
per se, as the Doctor numbering continues... so for me they are
just jumping on points for potential new fans.
 Had RTD in 2005 started again with a new First Doctor, then yes,
I would have viewed that as a full reboot. But as it was,
calling Christopher Eccleston the Ninth Doctor meant us older
fans of the show could just envisage it as a continuation.
The Doctor numbering continues mainly because that's a fan-based thing ... has the numbering ever been mentioned in-show??
The season numbering has definitely restarted twice at 1 again.

Battlestar Galactica OTOH... no, we won't even go there!!! :-(

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Jun 24 * Re: Toxic fandom5Your Name
12 Jun 24 +* Re: Toxic fandom3The Last Doctor
13 Jun 24 i`* Re: Toxic fandom2Daniel70
15 Jun 24 i `- Re: Toxic fandom1Daniel70
12 Jun 24 `- Re: Toxic fandom1Daniel70

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