Re: How to retcon Rogue

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Sujet : Re: How to retcon Rogue
De : mike (at) *nospam* (The Last Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 12. Jun 2024, 16:58:26
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v4cd2i$1n3db$>
References : 1 2 3 4
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Daniel70 <> wrote:
The Doctor wrote on 12/6/24 7:46 am:
In article <v4agcl$18c21$>, The True Doctor
<> wrote:
On 11/06/2024 20:01, Agent Jakanov wrote:
The Doctor was so out of character in this episode, but I think
it can be explained by something similar to the spray drug that
Owen used in the first episode of Torchwood to make people find
him attractive against their will.
Doctor Who ended in 2017! All of this is Peter Capaldi
hallucinating in the last moments of his life on the event horizon
of a black hole after being shot by the Cybermen.
And getting nailed at the North Pole.
Now! Now! Gobble-de-gook, no need to tell YOUR fantasies to us!!

None of “Twice Upon a Time” - which Aggie has now retroactively excised
from his view of what is canon - was set at the North Pole, so I don’t know
when Dave thinks the Doctor was getting pegged - sorry, nailed.

But I disagree with the OP’s premise. The Doctor here is entirely in tune
with the PTSD-suffering, vulnerable character that Ncuti has been
presenting to us. The bright, brittle way in which he wants to move on
swiftly and ignore every trauma shows that he is still deeply wounded by
losing the Time Lords forever for the third time (first at the end of the
Time War - then figuratively by realising that as the Timeless Child he is
an orphan and alien to his homeworld - then again when the Master wipes
them out). He’s still running away from the implications of that, as she
did by ignoring the fob watch that contained the secrets of her hidden

He’s desperate to make connections and for people to have meaningful
relationships - and that includes himself, subconsciously. Yes, his
infatuation with Rogue is a bit swift but that’s partly an artefact of the
42 minute story limitation, and I excuse it by figuring that the emotional
damage he’s suffered makes it likely that when something hits him it will
hit hard and fast.

“Rogue” doesn’t need fixing. It’s pretty good just as it is.

“Most of the Universe is knackered, babes.”  - The Doctor

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Jun 24 * How to retcon Rogue6Agent Jakanov
11 Jun 24 `* Re: How to retcon Rogue5The True Doctor
12 Jun 24  +- Re: How to retcon Rogue1Agent Jakanov
12 Jun 24  `* Re: How to retcon Rogue3Daniel70
12 Jun 24   `* Re: How to retcon Rogue2The Last Doctor
15 Jun22:24    `- Re: How to retcon Rogue1Mickmane

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