Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke

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Sujet : Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke
De : agamemnon (at) *nospam* (The True Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 13. Jun 2024, 18:59:30
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 12/06/2024 14:41, Blueshirt wrote:
The True Doctor wrote:
There you go then. No famous female renaissance painters
exist. I can't think of any that existed either before or
after the renaissance either.
 That was a tangent I didn't see coming!
 Sorry, female renaissance painters are not my strong point...
Because men are far better artists and this has to be recognised. Men must not be discriminated against for being men in order to give women who are inferior to preference in the workplace in order to make up degenerate sexist woke quotas.

Women are not good at what men do, so why are they being given
jobs in preference to men who would be far better than them in
the role?
 I let the missus paint the house while I drink my tea and dunk
my Digestives... she does an adequate job in all fairness. I
Is any of that comparable to Michael Angelo's painting of the Sistine Chapel? Of course it isn't.

couldn't be here being entertained on RADW if I did stuff like
that myself now could I?
So you're using her as a robot.

Why is the fake Doctor being written as a women in order to
weaken men? Why are men always portrayed as being week and
effeminate by the far left so that boys can't have a masculine
role model to aspire to?
 It only weakens men who feel weakened by it. Which says more
about the person watching it than the TV show itself.
 Man-up you pussy!
Shut up Squealer. No one with intelligence is falling for your lies and dissembling.
This disgusting perversion is deliberately designed to stall, impeded, and reverse the development of young boys and young adults by taking away anyone or anything they could use as a role model and as a source of learning that would encourage them to grow and mature. These generate woke perverts controlling the entertainment industry want to bring men down to the level of women because they know that women will never achieve as much as men have.

Bullshit. That's your name isn't it.
 Ooooh, touchy are we? Are you sure you don't need a hug?
 I can do that virtual hug thing again if you'd like? Some others
thought it wasn't very manly, but I don't care, hugs make you
feel nice and warm...
Are you sure you're not a women? If not the brainwashing that you have had inflicted on you is probably irreversible.

But sticks and stones Turkish boy...
And a racist as well. DNA studies prove that Turks are actually Greeks, Kurds, Syrians, Armenians, Italians, Gauls, and Jews; not the other way around.

Less people are watching Doctor Who... and?
No one is watching Doctor Who unless it's classic episodes.
Doctor Who ended in 2017.
 What you up to on Friday night so? "Welcome to Wrexham" on
Disney+? "Bridgerton" on Netflix? Some "Northgard" on the PC?
Avoid that "Acolyte" thing anyway as you deffo won't like it. It
has lesbians in it... Lesbians in space. Outrageous!!!
I'm not watching any of that degenerate mind rotting crap.

You'd still be able to write your review of this week's Doctor
Who episode even if you don't want to watch it to spare
others... just feed the words; woke garbage, sexual grooming,
degenerate, perversion, fascist-marxist, effeminate shit,
homophobic RTD... in to Chat GPT and I'm sure it'll do a
reasonably good job.
That's an admission that everything written by RTD is woke garbage consisting of degenerate, perverted, far-left effeminate sexist, racist, bigoted and homophobic propaganda intended to sexual groom children and those who are vulnerable.
The woke pervert has admitted to it once again as an excuse for the failing ratings. Just as long as he can prey on children and young adults then he's happy.

 Ask Dave if you don't know how!
I like Doctor Who so that's all that matters to me. You don't
like Doctor Who so your point of view has to be rammed down
everyone else's throat.
Wrong. You don't even have a clue what Doctor Who even is. It
ended in 2017. Nothing made by Chibnall and RTD since 2017
resembles Doctor Who in any way shape or form since the main
protagonists does not resemble the character of the Doctor at
 Yes, we know... the 13th Doctor resembled a woman and the 15th
Doctor resembles a black man.
They are not the Doctor.

 Modern TV sucks doesn't it? Letting women and black guys star in
 Down with that sort of thing!
Taking shows whose audience is almost all entirely white, male, and heterosexual and changing them to drive away that audience is totally unacceptable in a tolerant civilised society since it is the act of a tyrant and the exact opposite to tolerance and learning, since it attempts to impeded the progress of the majority and to lower it into servitude to intolerant minorities and the self-appointed self-serving degenerate political elite.
The True Doctor
"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 Jun 24 * Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke50The True Doctor
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11 Jun 24       `* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke34The True Doctor
12 Jun 24        `* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke33The True Doctor
12 Jun 24         `* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke32The True Doctor
12 Jun 24          +* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke5Daniel70
12 Jun 24          i+- Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke1The True Doctor
13 Jun 24          i+- Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke1Daniel70
13 Jun 24          i+- Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke1Daniel70
13 Jun 24          i`- Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke1Daniel70
13 Jun 24          +- Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke1Daniel70
13 Jun 24          +* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke20The True Doctor
15 Jun 24          i`* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke19Daniel70
15 Jun 24          i +* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke17The True Doctor
15 Jun12:53          i i`* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke16Daniel70
16 Jun13:35          i i `* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke15The True Doctor
17 Jun11:08          i i  `* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke14Daniel70
17 Jun15:22          i i   +* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke11The Last Doctor
17 Jun16:29          i i   i+* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke7The Last Doctor
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18 Jun10:57          i i   ii+* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke4Daniel70
18 Jun11:37          i i   iii`* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke3The Last Doctor
18 Jun15:29          i i   iii `* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke2Daniel70
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18 Jun11:06          i i   ii`- Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke1Daniel70
19 Jun02:11          i i   i`* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke3The True Doctor
19 Jun08:36          i i   i `* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke2Daniel70
21 Jun14:49          i i   i  `- Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke1The True Doctor
18 Jun10:33          i i   `* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke2Daniel70
19 Jun08:57          i i    `- Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke1Daniel70
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13 Jun 24          +- Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke1The True Doctor
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15 Jun19:31          `* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke3Idlehands
16 Jun12:36           `* Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke2Daniel70
16 Jun19:28            `- Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke1Idlehands

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