Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.
De : agamemnon (at) *nospam* (The True Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 14. Jun 2024, 22:23:44
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v4i8sh$31i4n$>
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On 14/06/2024 19:46, Blueshirt wrote:
The True Doctor wrote:
On 13/06/2024 13:37, Blueshirt wrote:
But from I read, it doesn't look like Doctor Who is going
anywhere soon. (Sorry Guys!)
The series hasn't been renewed and the way the ratings are
going it isn't likely to be.
 RTD said:
 "I never thought it was possible, to be honest. But according to
the people who juggle the numbers, all targets have been reached
and exceeded."
 So of course Doctor Who will be renewed for a 'third' season...
if that is the case. (And I've no reason to believe RTD is
telling lies.) RTD said in the same interview that he has four
scripts for Season Three completed...
 If you can't read plain English then there's no hope for you.
I've written scripts too. That don't mean that any of them will be made.

It's a strange Doctor Who fan that hopes to see the show
Doctor Who ended in 2017. What I'm hoping for is for it to return, not for degenerate woke garbage to continue takings its place.
The True Doctor
"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Jun 24 * Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.97The True Doctor
14 Jun 24 +* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.5The True Doctor
15 Jun19:36 i+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Idlehands
16 Jun03:41 i`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3The True Doctor
16 Jun23:51 i +- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
17 Jun11:34 i `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
14 Jun 24 `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.91The True Doctor
15 Jun19:37  +- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Idlehands
16 Jun04:19  +* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.84The True Doctor
17 Jun06:12  i+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.76The True Doctor
17 Jun12:42  ii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.6Daniel70
17 Jun15:06  iii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3The True Doctor
18 Jun11:29  iiii`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.2Daniel70
18 Jun15:32  iiii `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
18 Jun02:47  iii+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
18 Jun11:18  iii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
17 Jun13:32  ii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.68solar penguin
17 Jun14:05  iii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.66The Last Doctor
17 Jun17:19  iiii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.26The True Doctor
17 Jun22:03  iiiii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.18The True Doctor
18 Jun01:09  iiiiii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.16The True Doctor
18 Jun01:29  iiiiiii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.4solar penguin
18 Jun01:51  iiiiiiii+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
18 Jun13:24  iiiiiiii+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1solar penguin
19 Jun09:49  iiiiiiii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
18 Jun20:41  iiiiiii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.5The True Doctor
19 Jun13:19  iiiiiiii+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1solar penguin
19 Jun22:29  iiiiiiii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.2The True Doctor
22 Jun01:00  iiiiiiiii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
19 Jun22:44  iiiiiiii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
18 Jun20:42  iiiiiii+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
18 Jun20:51  iiiiiii`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.5The True Doctor
19 Jun16:33  iiiiiii +* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3Daniel70
19 Jun23:47  iiiiiii i`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.2The True Doctor
20 Jun12:35  iiiiiii i `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
19 Jun22:54  iiiiiii `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
18 Jun01:11  iiiiii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The Last Doctor
17 Jun22:46  iiiii`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.7The Last Doctor
18 Jun01:37  iiiii +* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3The True Doctor
20 Jun00:13  iiiii i+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
20 Jun00:19  iiiii i`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
18 Jun13:50  iiiii `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3Daniel70
18 Jun15:45  iiiii  `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.2Daniel70
19 Jun10:18  iiiii   `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
18 Jun11:40  iiii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3Daniel70
19 Jun09:08  iiiii+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
19 Jun09:12  iiiii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
18 Jun11:58  iiii`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.36The Last Doctor
18 Jun18:22  iiii +* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.30The Last Doctor
19 Jun09:19  iiii i+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.24Daniel70
19 Jun16:14  iiii ii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.22Daniel70
19 Jun16:22  iiii iii+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1%
19 Jun17:59  iiii iii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.13The Last Doctor
20 Jun03:00  iiii iiii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.11Idlehands
20 Jun03:18  iiii iiiii+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1%
20 Jun05:29  iiii iiiii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3Idlehands
20 Jun11:40  iiii iiiiii`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.2Daniel70
21 Jun14:41  iiii iiiiii `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
20 Jun11:34  iiii iiiii`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.6Daniel70
20 Jun14:52  iiii iiiii +* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3Idlehands
21 Jun14:48  iiii iiiii i`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.2Daniel70
22 Jun00:53  iiii iiiii i `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1%
21 Jun14:45  iiii iiiii `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.2Daniel70
22 Jun12:42  iiii iiiii  `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
20 Jun10:06  iiii iiii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The Last Doctor
20 Jun11:03  iiii iii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.6Daniel70
21 Jun11:38  iiii iiii+* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.4solar penguin
21 Jun14:05  iiii iiiii`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3solar penguin
21 Jun14:35  iiii iiiii `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.2solar penguin
21 Jun15:24  iiii iiiii  `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
21 Jun15:19  iiii iiii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
20 Jun12:06  iiii iii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
19 Jun20:09  iiii ii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1solar penguin
19 Jun09:38  iiii i`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.5Daniel70
19 Jun16:17  iiii i `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.4Daniel70
20 Jun12:10  iiii i  `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3Daniel70
20 Jun12:15  iiii i   +- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1solar penguin
21 Jun15:29  iiii i   `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
18 Jun18:22  iiii `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.5The Last Doctor
19 Jun09:45  iiii  `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.4Daniel70
19 Jun16:20  iiii   `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3Daniel70
20 Jun12:15  iiii    `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.2Daniel70
21 Jun15:34  iiii     `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
17 Jun15:46  iii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1solar penguin
17 Jun18:40  ii`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
17 Jun06:32  i+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
17 Jun12:26  i`* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.6Daniel70
17 Jun13:27  i +* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.3The Last Doctor
18 Jun14:23  i i+- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1Daniel70
19 Jun00:00  i i`- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
17 Jun14:51  i +- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The Last Doctor
17 Jun18:43  i `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
16 Jun04:24  +- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
16 Jun04:27  +- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
16 Jun04:29  +- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor
16 Jun05:21  `* Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.2The True Doctor
16 Jun23:54   `- Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.1The True Doctor

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