Re: Doctor Who: S1 Ep.7 The Legend of Ruby Sunday

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who: S1 Ep.7 The Legend of Ruby Sunday
De : ATH (at) *nospam* (Mickmane)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 15. Jun 2024, 22:18:00
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On 15.06.24, Blueshirt  <> wrote:


I agree!

It's only half-time so this story could go either way next week,
but I thought this episode was brilliant. It started off slowly
and was average enough for most of it but THAT climax!!! This
was real edge of the seat stuff... Doctor Who at its best.

Finally a story where at the end I was happy, excited, yes!

The God of Death returns... and many questions to be answered.
Roll on next week for the season finale.

What on earth was that Sutekh with the old lady thing. (Now named Susan 
somethingorother - you know I and names...) Interesting, but makes no 
sense at all. :)


I'll just second that.

Wonder whether they'll dig out Fourteen and Donna.

What I really want to know though, which episodes of Classic do I have 
to rewatch to see this villain the first time round (again)? Google 
isn't helping!



Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 Jun22:18 * Re: Doctor Who: S1 Ep.7 The Legend of Ruby Sunday3Mickmane
17 Jun13:33 `* Re: Doctor Who: S1 Ep.7 The Legend of Ruby Sunday2Daniel70
17 Jun17:21  `- Re: Doctor Who: S1 Ep.7 The Legend of Ruby Sunday1Andy Leighton

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