Re: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday
De : solar.penguin (at) *nospam* (solar penguin)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 16. Jun 2024, 16:18:58
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v4ms8i$378r$>
References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : NewsTap/5.5 (iPhone/iPod Touch)

The Last Doctor <> wrote:

The “dwarf pretending to be a 13 year old child” is Lenny Rush, who is
currently 15 years old and would have been 14 when the episode was recorded
(and 13 when he was cast). He does have dwarfism.
But it’s hardly a sneer-worthy casting stretch to make him 13 for the
purpose of making the character an intellectual prodigy.

The character wasn’t really necessary though, and could easily
have been merged with Harriet. This would give us a more
streamlined story with fewer unnecessary characters cluttering
it up.

On a similar note, Rose didn’t really add much to the plot, apart
from a contrived excuse for Carla to leave Cherrie with Mrs Flood.

The fact that both unnecessary characters just happened to
be minorities in their own different ways, suggests that for
once Aggy’s complaint is actually true and the episode was
weakened by inclusivity for its own sake. (That’s no credit to
Aggy though; cry wolf often enough and you’ll eventually get
it right just by the law of averages!)

OTOH if Rose and the kid have vital roles to play in part two,
I’ll admit I was wrong. But I’m not holding my breath.

solar penguin

Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 Jun 24 * Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday10The True Doctor
16 Jun 24 +- Re: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday1Idlehands
16 Jun 24 +* Re: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday7solar penguin
16 Jun 24 i+* Re: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday2The True Doctor
16 Jun 24 ii`- Re: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday1solar penguin
16 Jun 24 i`* Re: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday4The Last Doctor
16 Jun 24 i +- Re: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday1The True Doctor
16 Jun 24 i `* Re: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday2solar penguin
17 Jun 24 i  `- Re: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday1Daniel70
17 Jun 24 `- Re: Doctor Whoke S01E07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday1Daniel70

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