Re: From the Archives .....

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Sujet : Re: From the Archives .....
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 25. Jun 2024, 13:12:54
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v5e8nk$1he80$>
References : 1 2
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The Doctor wrote on 25/6/24 12:15 am:
In article <v5bsbe$usvg$>, Daniel70
<> wrote:
Today I'm re-re-rewatching "Tooth and Claw", the Second 'normal' DoctorDavid episode and, after the opening credits ......
 Quote TARDIS (Rose has changed into denim mini-dungarees). ROSE:
What do you think of this? Will it do? DOCTOR: In the late 1970s?
You'd be better off in a bin bag. Hold on, listen to this. (The
Doctor puts a CD into the Tardis player.) DOCTOR: Ian Dury and the
Blockheads. Number One in 1979. ROSE: You're a punk. DOCTOR: It's
good to be a lunatic. ROSE: That's what you are. A big old punk
with a bit of rockabillly thrown in. DOCTOR: Would you like to see
him? ROSE: How'd you mean? In concert? DOCTOR: What else is a
Tardis for? I can take you to the Battle of Trafalgar, the first
anti-gravity Olympics, Caesar crossing the Rubicon or Ian Dury at
the Top Rank, Sheffield, England, Earth, 21st November, 1979. What
do you think? ROSE: Sheffield it is. DOCTOR: Hold on tight. (The
Doctor beats the rhythm of the song on the console as they
travel.) ROSE: Stop! (They stop suddenly, and get thrown to the
floor.) DOCTOR: 1979. Hell of a year. China invades Vietnam. The
Muppet Movie. Love that film. Margaret Thatcher. Urgh. Skylab falls
to Earth, with a little help from me. Nearly took off my thumb. End
 O.K., so this episode was made in about 2006'ish .... and, in that
last line, DoctorDavid states that China invaded Vietnam in 1979!!
 Did I miss that in RL?? Or does this happen in an alternate Time
Line or on an alternate Earth??
 I think that is correct.
Hang on, Gobble-de-gook, do you mean to suggest that AT THE TIME OF THIS RESPONCE, YOU, Gobble-de-gook, had also forgotten about the Chinese invasion of Vietnam as pointed out by Blueshirt??

BTW the ending sucked!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
24 Jun15:29 * From the Archives .....6Daniel70
24 Jun15:42 +* Re: From the Archives .....2solar penguin
24 Jun16:22 i`- Re: From the Archives .....1Daniel70
25 Jun13:12 `* Re: From the Archives .....3Daniel70
25 Jun13:38  `* Re: From the Archives .....2solar penguin
26 Jun08:15   `- Re: From the Archives .....1Daniel70

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