RTD is not well

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Sujet : RTD is not well
De : mouth (at) *nospam* onlegs.org (Agent Jakanov)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 27. Jun 2024, 21:01:19
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Organisation : TWA
Message-ID : <v5kctu$2sc6v$1@dont-email.me>
User-Agent : Xnews/5.04.25
I saw a couple of interviews with Russell T Davies recently, and something
seems really off about him compared to in the past.  His speech pattern
seem to be very similar to Donald Trump when he's giving a campaign speech
to his base.  It's like he's desperately trying to peddle a narrative that
he knows is BS and he barely cares anymore if anyone notices.

I also feel like he might have a substance addiction problem, but that
would make him more similar to Joe Biden.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
27 Jun21:01 * RTD is not well2Agent Jakanov
28 Jun00:26 `- Re: RTD is not well1Your Name

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