Re: Obituary in the London Times

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Sujet : Re: Obituary in the London Times
De : mike (at) *nospam* (The Last Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 19. Jul 2024, 21:20:05
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v7ehpl$34sun$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5
User-Agent : NewsTap/5.5 (iPhone/iPod Touch)
The Doctor <> wrote:
In article <v7eagm$33lch$>,
The Last Doctor  <> wrote:
The Doctor <> wrote:
In article <v7dmhn$302pc$>,
The Last Doctor  <> wrote:
Woozy Song <> wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
oday we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has
been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since
his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will
be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
posted by "Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells"?
There is no such newspaper as “The London Times”. It is simply
“The Times”,
as it has been since its name change from “The Daily Register” in 1788.
This is why other newspapers calling themselves “Times” have to
add a city
or country to identify themselves.
Similarly there is no language called “British English”. It’s just
“English” and it’s all the variations and derived bastardisations
that need
to be identified by their country of origin (although US English is usually
misnamed “American English” which is an incorrect term. “Canadian
is closer to the mother tongue and is also an American English, as Canada
forms more than half of North America by area.
As for common sense:
It’s common sense that organisms evolve. You can observe and record it
happening at a generational level, as well as it being explicit in the
scientific examination of genetics, biology, archaeology and palaeontology.
It’s common sense that Earth and the Universe are billions of years old,
evidenced by enormous masses of astronomical, cosmological, and geological
It’s common sense that even if you think the Bible is a holy book, it was
written by a large number of people over many centuries based on hearsay
and oral traditions, and therefore contains many contradictions, errors of
fact, fables and stories as well as elements of historical narrative.  So
common sense tells you that it CANNOT be taken literally.
Common sense tells you that the BBC has been broadcasting Doctor Who on a
continual basis since 2005 when it was revived. The series includes three
seasons that starred Jodie Whittaker as the “Thirteenth” Doctor
and partway
through that time introduced a painfully convoluted new backstory for the
Doctor, the Timeless Child narrative, which has been supported by further
narrative elements after a change of showrunner, in stories featuring the
“Fourteenth” and “Fifteenth” Doctors.
It is therefore common sense to acknowledge the 13th Doctor and The
Timeless Child as part of the canon of the show.
So, in the words of Greg Davies, What have we learned today?
We’ve learned that common sense is a term that does not and cannot apply to
Biblical literalists, New Earth Creationists, deniers of evolution, or
people who keep trying to deny the canonicity of the Chris Chibnall era of
Doctor Who.
Such people do not possess or understand “common sense”: their
beliefs and
mental awareness are better described as “exceptional idiocy”.
And that’s just for people who hold to only ONE of these nonsensical
dogmas. Anyone who believes all four goes beyond “exceptional
idiocy” into
realms of cretinous stupidity that can evoke only tremendous incredulity,
horror and pity in persons who do possess common sense.
Thus proving, Atheists, totalitarians and secular humanist views common sense
as a foreign concept.
Not one word in the list of facts above, that prove indisputably that YOU
have no idea what common sense is, and are in fact an ignorantly and
inexplicably proud wielder of your cretinous stupidity, requires that one
be an atheist, a secular humanist or a totalitarian. Many deeply religious
people accept facts. A few gullible followers of fringe cults, do not.
They’re just facts, Dave. Refusing to believe them makes them no less
factual. Applying apparently random and unconnected labels to people who
accept facts just makes you look even more stupid. You should try to stop
doing that.
I just stated a fact in proof as demonstrated above

No, Dave, you didn’t. You gave a deluded opinion about three groups of
people that were not mentioned in the discussion and whose views wouldn’t
affect the facts in evidence. And you attempted to address a topic - common
sense - which I just irrefutably proved, using only facts and actual common
sense, that you don’t have and don’t understand.

“Most of the Universe is knackered, babes.”  - The Doctor

Date Sujet#  Auteur
19 Jul 24 * Re: Obituary in the London Times5Woozy Song
19 Jul 24 `* Re: Obituary in the London Times4The Last Doctor
19 Jul 24  `* Re: Obituary in the London Times3The Last Doctor
19 Jul 24   `* Re: Obituary in the London Times2The Last Doctor
20 Jul 24    `- Re: Obituary in the London Times1Your Name

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