Re: Deb Geisler -- 1957-2024

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Sujet : Re: Deb Geisler -- 1957-2024
De : djheydt (at) *nospam* (Dorothy J Heydt)
Groupes : rec.arts.sf.fandom
Date : 23. Mar 2024, 21:28:02
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Organisation : Kithrup Enterprises, Ltd.
Message-ID : <>
References : 1
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In article <17bf6ae2d6b8207f$41799$3716115$>,
Michael Benveniste  <> wrote:
Dr. Deborah M. Geisler (Deb) passed away today at the age of 66 after a
long battle with lung and heart disease.  She was resting comfortably
under hospice care at home before passing.
Deb was, at her core, a teacher.  As a professor of Communication and
Journalism at Suffolk University, she touched the lives of students for
over 30 years.  Deb never stopped caring profoundly about her students
and the material she taught.  She was also a science fiction fan and
conrunner and made many friendships in that community.  She was chair of
Noreascon 4, the 2004 Worldcon, and volunteered her time, experience,
and snark to many other conventions.  She was also the love of my life
-- we would have been married 33 years this October.
Deb is survived by her sister Libby and brother Doug as well as her
extended family.

[Hal Heydt]
My condolences.  It's tough to lose a long term partner, no
matter what the cause.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
23 Mar 24 o Re: Deb Geisler -- 1957-20241Dorothy J Heydt

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