New federal do-not-scam list

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Sujet : New federal do-not-scam list
De : kfl (at) *nospam* (Keith F. Lynch)
Groupes : rec.arts.sf.fandom
Date : 01. Apr 2024, 22:15:51
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Organisation : United Individualist
Message-ID : <uuf4ln$ra6$>
User-Agent : trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
Tired of scam phone calls?  Good news:  The US federal government just
passed a law mandating a do-not-scam list.  Anyone can add their phone
number to this list, after which it's illegal for any scammer, crook,
or scoundrel to call them for the purpose of grift, fraud, extortion,
identity theft, threats, deception, or harassment.

This new list is loosely based on the old do-not-call list.  But that
list was useless, as it only applied to marketers, not to scammers or
crooks.  That list had no effect since legitimate businesses of course
never called anyone who wasn't already their customer.

I look forward to never again hearing my phone ring unless it's a call
from a friend or relative, or from a legitimate company I have a
business relationship with.
Keith F. Lynch -
Please see before emailing me.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
1 Apr 24 * New federal do-not-scam list2Keith F. Lynch
1 Apr 24 `- Re: New federal do-not-scam list1Gary McGath

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