Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?

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Sujet : Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?
De : arthur (at) *nospam* (Arthur Lipscomb)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho rec.arts.sf.fandom
Date : 07. Apr 2024, 17:33:36
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uuuecg$2rr50$>
References : 1
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On 4/7/2024 5:08 AM, The Doctor wrote:
I literally have open right now a Doctor Who Wikipedia page that breaks down the seasons.  LOL  Since I already have the episode list open, let's take a look...
Tom Baker was the Doctor in the 70s, so "State of Decay" coming out in 1980 notwithstanding, the 70s.
However since obviously you didn't really mean to put Classic Who up against New Who, for the reboot the best decade would be the 2000s. That would give us Rose and David Tennant and all the awesome goodness that came in between.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
7 Apr 24 * Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?5Arthur Lipscomb
8 Apr 24 `* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?4Your Name
9 Apr 24  `* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?3Arthur Lipscomb
9 Apr 24   `* Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?2John Hall
10 Apr 24    `- Re: Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?1Arthur Lipscomb

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