Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel

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Sujet : Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel
De : garym (at) *nospam* (Gary McGath)
Groupes : rec.arts.sf.fandom
Date : 11. Apr 2024, 13:40:02
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Organisation : Mad Scientists' Union
Message-ID : <uv8i6i$1lnk6$>
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
The hotel which hosted Motor City Furry Con had to be evacuated because of a bomb threat they received during the con. There was a similar threat during last year's con. It's reported that someone in California was arrested, though particulars aren't available.
I don't get why a subfandom that centers on animation and funny costumes gets so much hatred.
Gary McGath

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Apr 24 * Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel9Gary McGath
11 Apr 24 +* Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel7Cryptoengineer
11 Apr 24 i`* Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel6James Nicoll
12 Apr 24 i `* Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel5Gary McGath
12 Apr 24 i  `* Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel4James Nicoll
12 Apr 24 i   +- Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel1Keith F. Lynch
12 Apr 24 i   `* Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel2Gary McGath
12 Apr 24 i    `- Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel1James Nicoll
12 Apr 24 `- Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel1Charles Packer

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