Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel

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Sujet : Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel
De : jdnicoll (at) *nospam* (James Nicoll)
Groupes : rec.arts.sf.fandom
Date : 12. Apr 2024, 17:12:06
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Organisation : Public Access Networks Corp.
Message-ID : <uvbj06$jpf$>
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In article <uvbg4d$2dcin$>,
Gary McGath  <> wrote:
On 4/12/24 9:25 AM, James Nicoll wrote:
In article <uvb2ta$2a8hd$>, Gary McGath
<> wrote:
Then maybe someone who was banned spread the litter-box stories to
gullible audiences in retaliation?
The litter boxes for my cats have always been gender-free.
As I recall, it turned out some classrooms in the Jefferson County
Public School District in Colorado do or did have litter boxes but
not for the reason the alt-right claimed. It was so that during
routine school mass shootings, kids waiting their turn to be murdered
would have somewhere to relieve themselves without spoiling the game
by making a run for the bathroom.
You've just illustrated another way such stories can come up: by the
game of telephone, where each retelling gets a few more points wrong.
Here's the actual story:
There weren't any "litter boxes" in the normal sense. The school set up
what they call "emergency go buckets," effectively an improvised revival
of the old chamber pot, with cat litter at the bottom.
The school district never claimed school mass shootings were routine.
What may have become routine in some places is lockdowns on the
slightest excuse.
Then there's this detail: "Food and candy are also included in the
Emergency Go Buckets to help those who may need sugar during the wait."
*In* them? Yuck, even if the buckets haven't been used yet.
If a shooting was in progress, I wouldn't want to come out of hiding to
reach the bucket. If my pants needed changing afterwards, I doubt anyone
would blame me.

It now occurs to me the next time I have to shelter in place, I am going to
do it in the 2nd floor washroom I know has a door wedge nearby. I am
also going to try very very hard not repeat the mistake I made last
time, which is to shelter in place in the same room as the armed
person from whom I was sheltering in place from, in such a way as to
block all of his possible egresses.

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Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Apr 24 * Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel9Gary McGath
11 Apr 24 +* Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel7Cryptoengineer
11 Apr 24 i`* Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel6James Nicoll
12 Apr 24 i `* Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel5Gary McGath
12 Apr 24 i  `* Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel4James Nicoll
12 Apr 24 i   +- Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel1Keith F. Lynch
12 Apr 24 i   `* Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel2Gary McGath
12 Apr 24 i    `- Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel1James Nicoll
12 Apr 24 `- Re: Arrest made in bomb threat against con hotel1Charles Packer

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