Re: MT VOID, 04/12/24 -- Vol. 42, No. 41, Whole Number 2323

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Sujet : Re: MT VOID, 04/12/24 -- Vol. 42, No. 41, Whole Number 2323
De : kludge (at) *nospam* (Scott Dorsey)
Groupes : rec.arts.sf.fandom
Date : 14. Apr 2024, 18:28:37
Autres entêtes
Organisation : Former users of Netcom shell (1989-2000)
Message-ID : <uvh07l$2sp$>
References : 1 2
In article <uvgp7l$3m52c$>,
Gary McGath  <> wrote:
On 4/14/24 9:48 AM, Evelyn C. Leeper wrote:
The free holiday entree (Easter ham or turkey, kosher chicken,
etc.) now requires $400 of purchases in the four weeks preceding
Easter, which is normally the four weeks preceding Passover.  Not
this year.  So if you want the kosher chicken, you have to spend
$400 even before they have put out the Passover food (which
definitely boosted your spending).  The one bright point is they
will let people redeem their points for the kosher chicken until
Passover, even though the usual deadline is Easter.
(This part is not the supermarket's fault; blame Pope Gregory
The Greek Orthodox church has an extra rule that Easter must come after

What if I want both options so I can cook the kosher chicken with the
easter ham inside?
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Apr 24 * MT VOID, 04/12/24 -- Vol. 42, No. 41, Whole Number 23235Evelyn C. Leeper
14 Apr 24 +* Re: MT VOID, 04/12/24 -- Vol. 42, No. 41, Whole Number 23233Gary McGath
14 Apr 24 i`* Re: MT VOID, 04/12/24 -- Vol. 42, No. 41, Whole Number 23232Scott Dorsey
14 Apr 24 i `- Re: MT VOID, 04/12/24 -- Vol. 42, No. 41, Whole Number 23231Keith F. Lynch
24 Apr 24 `- Re: MT VOID, 04/12/24 -- Vol. 42, No. 41, Whole Number 23231Cryptoengineer

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