Re: Test

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Sujet : Re: Test
De : tppm (at) *nospam* (Tim Merrigan)
Groupes : rec.arts.sf.fandom
Date : 10. May 2024, 19:39:19
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Fri, 10 May 2024 09:05:23 -0400, "Evelyn C. Leeper"
<> wrote:

FWIW, you can expect a post from me every Sunday.
On 5/10/24 8:25 AM, Keith F. Lynch wrote:
Paul Dormer <> wrote: (Alan Woodford) wrote:
Yours was the first post I've seen since Sunday...
I don't know which is worse, the time when this group was so busy
that nobody could read all the posts (and I for one had to resort to
killfiling all posts that mentioned Bush), or the current time when
the group is so quiet that important fannish news and issues aren't
even mentioned here.
I'm hoping that all the censorship, excessive ads, random changes, and
hostile ownership of so-called social networks will result in a return
to the open, unowned, and uncensored parts of the net, which of course
includes Usenet.
I know that at least one prolific poster is temporarily offline
because of attending a filk convention in Germany.

For what it's worth, I know not much for some of youall, but if the
whovians are still cross-posting here, there should be some activity
today or tomorrow as the new season (series for you Brits) starts

Qualified immunity = virtual impunity.

Tim Merrigan

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Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 May 24 * Re: Test7Paul Dormer
10 May 24 `* Re: Test6Keith F. Lynch
10 May 24  +* Re: Test2Scott Dorsey
10 May 24  i`- Re: Test1Keith F. Lynch
10 May 24  `* Re: Test3Evelyn C. Leeper
10 May 24   `* Re: Test2Tim Merrigan
13 May 24    `- Re: Test1Blueshirt

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