June 12:Buster Keaton's "One Week" with live accompaniment, streaming on YouTube

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Sujet : June 12:Buster Keaton's "One Week" with live accompaniment, streaming on YouTube
De : garym (at) *nospam* mcgath.com (Gary McGath)
Groupes : alt.movies.silent rec.arts.sf.fandom
Date : 06. Jun 2024, 00:55:50
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Organisation : Mad Scientists' Union
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On Wednesday, June 12, at 8 PM Eastern time, I'll be streaming live accompaniment for the Buster Keaton two-reeler, "One Week." This was Keaton's first solo release. A newly married couple gets a lot and a house for a wedding present, but the house is just a kit which they have to put together, and a rival sabotages the instructions.
I'm switching from Twitch to YouTube for this show. It's a public beta test of sorts, which is why there's just one short film. Assuming it's not as big a disaster as the house in the movie, it will stay up indefinitely for people who can't watch it live, but watching as I improvise the music and exchanging comments with other viewers during the show will be the most fun.
If all goes well, I'll follow with "The Golem" in July.
Gary McGath    http://www.mcgath.com

Date Sujet#  Auteur
6 Jun 24 o June 12:Buster Keaton's "One Week" with live accompaniment, streaming on YouTube1Gary McGath

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