Re: Doctor Who Boom - Review with Heavy spoilers

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who Boom - Review with Heavy spoilers
De : mike (at) *nospam* (The Last Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 20. May 2024, 09:45:21
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v2ev2h$3sk4u$>
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suzeeq <> wrote:
On 5/19/2024 11:10 AM, Tim Merrigan wrote:
On Sat, 18 May 2024 18:59:11 -0000 (UTC),
(The Doctor) wrote:
"Doctor Who: Boom - A Futuristic War Tale by Stephen Moffat
Stephen Moffat's latest Doctor Who episode, 'Boom,' plunges us into the heart
of a futuristic battlefield, where the stakes are high and the tension
is palpable from start to finish. The episode opens amidst the chaos of war,
with landmines ready to explode and HQ buzzing with activity. A beacon scanner
glows ominously in the distance, setting the stage for an intense,
action-packed narrative.
The Doctor and Ruby find themselves in the thick of it, with the Doctor running
into the field then literally standing on a landmine. The sequence is gripping
as Ruby, using quick thinking and bravery, attempts to save the Doctor
by transferring an object that might diffuse the situation. The tension mounts
as the countdown continues, and drones hover overhead, heightening the sense of
Moffat skillfully weaves in themes of war and loss, illustrated poignantly
when Carson is blown up and an ambulance vehicle coldly disposes of a wounded
prisoner.  The Doctor, always the voice of reason, describes war as
a business, offering a sobering reflection on the human condition.
The episode's emotional core is revealed through the character of Splice,
the daughter of a deceased soldier, who rushes into the battlefield upon
seeing an image of her father. The stakes are raised as a soldier,
an ordained Anglican Marine, tries to convince the Doctor that
he is standing on a deadly mine. The Doctor's resilience and ability
to resist even as the soldier shoots at him is a testament to his
indomitable spirit.
Ruby's bravery is tested to the limit when she is shot by another
soldier and the ambulance identifies her as someone who supposedly
died years earlier. In a heart-wrenching moment, Ruby makes it snow,
symbolizing both her fragility and strength. As she lies dying,
the Doctor's plea for peace resonates deeply,
convincing the AI of the deceased soldier to act.
The climax sees the Doctor successfully off the mine and Ruby
miraculously revived. The war ends, bringing peace to a once-beautiful planet
ravaged by conflict. The resolution is both satisfying and bittersweet, echoing
themes from past episodes like 'The Doctor's Daughter' and 'Time of Angels.'
Overall, 'Boom' is a masterfully crafted episode that combines action,
emotion, and profound commentary on war and humanity. Moffat delivers
a story that is as thought-provoking as it is thrilling, making it
a standout installment in the Doctor Who series."
What did I miss from the beautiful peaceful ending?
I don't think you missed anything from the ending, but, and this is
another spoiler, you didn't mention that this particular war was
manufactured and sold by a literal war monger, and the soldiers we
saw, and their army, were the only soldiers involved, there was no
Enemy, they were fighting the fog and the mud (where they were told
"The Enemy" concealed themselves).
This doesn't read like anything The Doctor's ever posted. I bet he
cribbed it from an actual online review.

It’s “AI” generated screed, lots of characteristic AI “tics” in the
writing. Note the heavy use of adjectives and adverbs, and stock AI phrases
that it throws in whenever anyone asks it to review anything.

“Most of the Universe is knackered, babes.”  - The Doctor

Date Sujet#  Auteur
20 May 24 * Re: Doctor Who Boom - Review with Heavy spoilers3suzeeq
20 May 24 `* Re: Doctor Who Boom - Review with Heavy spoilers2The Last Doctor
20 May 24  `- Re: Doctor Who Boom - Review with Heavy spoilers1suzeeq

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