Re: ChatGpt reviews Doctor Who Genesis of the Daleks

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Sujet : Re: ChatGpt reviews Doctor Who Genesis of the Daleks
De : mich (at) *nospam* (Mich)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 25. May 2024, 01:17:41
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The Doctor wrote:
Since I am unable to access the specific website for detailed transcripts,
I will provide a general review of the "Doctor Who"
serial "Genesis of the Daleks" based on my knowledge.
Here’s an episode-by-episode review and a rating:
 Part 1
Pretty crap review that didn't mention the Nazi elephants in the room.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
25 May 24 o Re: ChatGpt reviews Doctor Who Genesis of the Daleks1Mich

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