Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Ambassadors of Death adn bottles it

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Sujet : Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Ambassadors of Death adn bottles it
De : solar.penguin (at) *nospam* (solar penguin)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho can.arts.sf
Date : 30. May 2024, 18:03:23
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v3a80a$1oo2a$>
References : 1
User-Agent : NewsTap/5.5 (iPhone/iPod Touch)

The idiot insisted:

Based on the information from the website
[invalid URL doctor who the ambassadors of death ON],
here's a review of Doctor Who: The Ambassadors of Death:
The Doctor (Third Doctor) and companion Jo Grant 
find themselves on Mars,  where  a  human  colony 
is  locked  in  conflict  with  the  ambassadors 
of  a  supposedly  peaceful  alien  race known as the  Ambassadors.

Do you think it might be more accurate if you gave it a valid URL?

solar penguin

Date Sujet#  Auteur
30 May 24 * Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Ambassadors of Death adn bottles it2solar penguin
30 May 24 `- Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Ambassadors of Death adn bottles it1The Last Doctor

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