Re: Doctor Who The legend of Ruby Sunday, review with spoilers

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who The legend of Ruby Sunday, review with spoilers
De : agamemnon (at) *nospam* (The True Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho can.arts.sf
Date : 15. Jun 2024, 22:04:05
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On 15/06/2024 20:09, The Doctor wrote:
 This episode of "The Legend of Ruby Sunday" by RTD is a whirlwind
  of suspense, mystery, and deep ties to Doctor Who lore.
   Set in present-day London at UNIT HQ, the narrative weaves together
   intriguing elements such as the TARDIS, Donna Noble's daughter Rose,
  and the enigmatic Susan Triad.
 The story kicks off with a blend of alien-human cooperation, featuring
Morris, a pivotal 13-year-old character who promises to play a crucial role.
You mean a comedy imp with no believability whatsoever.

However, the plot thickens with the introduction of Susan Triad,
whose name cleverly hides an anagram for "TARDIS"
and evokes nostalgia for the Doctor's granddaughter, Susan.
 As the tension builds, it becomes clear that Susan Triad
is central to a major event, teased as a "big release."
Meanwhile, Ruby, driven by the desire to uncover her past,
  discovers a significant VHS tape, setting off a chain
  of events that leads to a time chamber at UNIT HQ.
 The narrative takes a darker turn with the appearance
of a creature of unknown origins, bringing danger to the forefront.
This creature, aligned with the forces of darkness and reminiscent
of Sutekh from "The Pyramids of Mars,"
adds a chilling layer to the unfolding drama.
 The revelation that Susan Triad is a Sutekh agent,
along with the possession of UNIT staffer Harriett Harbinger,
escalates the stakes dramatically. The TARDIS itself is under threat,
  wrapped in an ominous manifestation that ties back to Sutekh's influence.
 Overall, "The Legend of Ruby Sunday" blends classic Doctor Who elements
with a fresh, contemporary twist. It delves into complex character dynamics,
echoes of past adventures, and a looming threat that keeps viewers
on the edge of their seats. RTD's storytelling prowess shines through,
offering both nostalgic nods and thrilling new developments.
Fans of the series will find much to dissect
and enjoy in this gripping tale of mystery and darkness.
  Google Gemini
 Doctor Who: The Legend of Ruby Sunday
A Mystery Box Full of Nostalgia and Dread
 Russell T Davies' "The Legend of Ruby Sunday" is a whirlwind
of nostalgia, cliffhangers, and a chilling new threat.  We open
at UNIT HQ, a familiar sight for fans of the New Who era.
The Doctor and Ruby team up with familiar faces – Donna's daughter
Rose and Captain Kate Stewart – to investigate a puzzling clue:
Who the hell is Captain Kate Steward?
Don't you mean Dalek Supreme Kate Stewart unchallenged ruler and high commander of all Earth and nearby systems, Emperor of the Galaxy?

a young boy named Alex and the anagrammatic "Susan Triad."
Who the hell is Alex? Is this the name of the comic imp?

The episode expertly weaves together past and present.
References to classic companions like Melanie Bush
and the Fourth Doctor's era alongside the ongoing mystery
of Ruby's past keep fans guessing.  The discovery of a VHS tape
from Christmas 2004 adds a layer of emotional depth,
hinting at a personal connection for Ruby.
 However, the episode isn't all nostalgia.
The return of Sutekh, a villain from classic Who,
injects a dose of genuine dread.  The creature's
shadowy presence and the possession of UNIT personnel
create a genuinely unsettling atmosphere.
The cliffhanger ending, with Sutekh
  engulfing the TARDIS, leaves viewers desperate for more.
 While the plot is packed with intriguing threads,
some viewers might find the pacing a bit rushed.
Rushed? Its pacing is slow throughout up until the last 60 seconds.

Certain plot points, like the significance of Alex,
feel underdeveloped.  However, the episode's strengths
No one can believe an imp playing an immature 13 year old boy as being a scientific advisor to anywhere let alone UNIT.
These degenerate woke morons want to reduce the intelligence of the audience to that of children who can more easily be brainwash. There's no depiction of a heroic journey of learning because their sickening Marxist-Fascist ideology relies on belief through stupidity and the acceptance of gospel divulged by authority figures who must never be challenged because being those who hold power and the new elite right is whatever the say or decide not what is best for society as a whole
This bunch of perverted retards and woke pieces of shit need to read Gorgias and The Republic by Plato which proves their degenerate fascistic far left ideology to be completely wrong.

lie in its ability to build suspense and rekindle nostalgia
for past eras of Doctor Who.
 Final Verdict: 4 out of 5 stars.  "The Legend of Ruby Sunday"
is a thrilling episode that expertly blends classic Who elements
with a modern mystery.  While some plot threads feel underdeveloped,
Because it's infantile mystery box writing. When the box is opened there's nothing in it.

the episode's cliffhanger ending and exploration of Ruby's past
leave viewers eager for the next chapter.
What exploration? There wasn't any. Watching a 20 year old VHS tape is not exploration. We learn nothing more than we already knew about Ruby during the Christmas special. Infantile mystery box writing for women of low intelligence and homosexuals instead of portrayal of the heroic journey for the actual audience of the show which is mostly men and women with intelligence.

 7/10  and nice to see RTD reviving Sutekh.
Please view Pyramids of Mars to understand Sutekh
and the UNIT Connection.
 Average 8 from Gem + 1.5 from AGA + 9 for BS and 7 from me
 6.375 /10 from 4 radwers!
The True Doctor
"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 Jun22:04 o Re: Doctor Who The legend of Ruby Sunday, review with spoilers1The True Doctor

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