[OT} Niagara Falls declares state of emergency due to April 8 eclipse

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Sujet : [OT} Niagara Falls declares state of emergency due to April 8 eclipse
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* example.com (Rhino)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 30. Mar 2024, 01:13:53
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Niagara Falls has been touted as one of the very best places to view
the solar eclipse that will be occurring on April 8. (That area is also
one of the only parts of Canada that will be in the Path of Totality,
where the moon will completely cover the sun for several minutes.)

Niagara Falls, "out of an abundance of caution" - you always know
something ridiculous is coming when you hear that phrase - has declared
a state of emergency with regards to the eclipse.


Unfortunately, the article doesn't identify any special rules that will
be in place due to this "emergency". Will driving be forbidden lest
anyone be blinded by being in their car during the eclipse? (Several
major school districts are shutting down their schools to prevent
children travelling home from school from being blinded if they look
out the window during the eclipse.) Will people be inspected to make
sure they have the appropriate equipment to avoid being blinded, like
pinhole cameras? Will people be fined for looking upwards during the
eclipse if they don't have the designated safety gear?

By the way, anyone thinking of going to Niagara Falls for the eclipse
and staying the night had better bring lots of money! Rooms that are
already expensive are going to be MUCH MORE expensive on April 8 on
both sides of the border.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
30 Mar 24 * [OT} Niagara Falls declares state of emergency due to April 8 eclipse5Rhino
30 Mar 24 +* Re: [OT} Niagara Falls declares state of emergency due to April 8 eclipse2BTR1701
30 Mar 24 i`- Re: [OT} Niagara Falls declares state of emergency due to April 8 eclipse1Rhino
30 Mar 24 `* Re: [OT} Niagara Falls declares state of emergency due to April 8 eclipse2shawn
30 Mar 24  `- Re: [OT} Niagara Falls declares state of emergency due to April 8 eclipse1Rhino

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