Re: [OT] The mass graves that never were?

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Sujet : Re: [OT] The mass graves that never were?
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
Groupes :
Date : 01. Jun 2024, 18:05:17
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Fri, 31 May 2024 23:31:24 -0700
The Horny Goat <> wrote:

On Thu, 30 May 2024 19:32:43 -0400, Rhino
<> wrote:
One final thought. Given the massive amounts of money that has been
spent and the paltry amount of insight gained from this expenditure,
a reasonable person might wonder who benefited from these claims in
the first place? 
Obviously the groups that have benefitted have been the aboriginal
groups. A prime example are the "acknowledgements" you hear everywhere
which implicitly recognize aboriginal claims that are by no means
established much less valid.

I despise those land acknowledgements. I participated in an online
health seminar last year via Zoom, had serious difficulties getting
connected and finally arrived about two minutes late for the start of
the meeting - and had to sit through a land acknowledgement. It kept me
from missing any of the useful content of the meeting but it irked me
to have to listen to it especially given that WE WERE ONLINE, not
standing on anyone's "sacred ground".
Similarly, any time there is a discussion of disposition of public
land there has become an expectation that aboriginal groups will be
involved in the discussion - there's currently such a discussion going
on concerning a large park on the west coast of southern Vancouver

I guess I can sort of see a role for indigenous participation if the
ownership of the land is contested but as far as I know, the land in
this city is NOT claimed by the Indians.

On top of that you have demands - some of which have been
granted - for closure of public parks for 4-6 weeks at a time for
native ceremonies to be held where if you're not native you are barred
from the park.
That's just wrong. If it's owned by the government, it's flat-out
racist to deny non-indigenous people access to it. EVER. And if it's
indigenous land, then they control it ALL THE TIME, not just 4 to 6
weeks of the time. That proposal is just a way to give them full
ownership by stealth. 

Sorry - but I just don't buy it.

The whole land claims thing is the can of worms that nobody will open,
at least in the southern part of the country. (If I recall correctly,
the Delgamuk (sp?) Decision did settle some claims, in the favour of
the indigenous, back in the 70s but I believe it was all in the Far
North.) It's a matter that the courts COULD resolve, for once and for
all, but neither side seems eager to press for a court decision by
filing lawsuits. Not that I'd want them to under the current prime
minister! I'm sure his "progressive" running buddies and their
"activist" judges would LOVE nothing better than to give all the land
back to the Indians and Innuit! What an orgy of virtue-signalling there
would be from the Liberals if that happened!!! Of course the next day,
when reality set in, it would become obvious that the notion of
deporting all the non-indigenous people and taking away the land that
they paid mortgages on for generations or inherited was a non-starter
and would utterly gut this country. I imagine the indigenous people
would realize how catastrophic this all was for them very quickly too
as all that government money would dry up since there'd be no one left
to tax and almost no one left to govern since all the non-indigenous
people would be gone.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
31 May 24 * [OT] The mass graves that never were?8Rhino
31 May 24 +- Re: [OT] The mass graves that never were?1BTR1701
1 Jun 24 `* Re: [OT] The mass graves that never were?6Rhino
2 Jun 24  `* Re: [OT] The mass graves that never were?5BTR1701
3 Jun 24   +- Re: [OT] The mass graves that never were?1Pluted Pup
3 Jun 24   +- Re: [OT] The mass graves that never were?1trotsky
3 Jun 24   `* Re: [OT] The mass graves that never were?2Adam H. Kerman
3 Jun 24    `- Re: [OT] The mass graves that never were?1Adam H. Kerman

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