Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"

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Sujet : Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"
De : fredp1571 (at) *nospam* (FPP)
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Date : 15. Apr 2024, 10:34:00
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Organisation : Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 4/14/24 2:43 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
In article <uvgtgb$3n4e9$>,
  "Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:
BTR1701 <> wrote:
On Apr 9, 2024 at 6:15:20 PM PDT, FPP <> wrote:
On 4/9/24 12:46 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
On Apr 9, 2024 at 6:53:43 AM PDT, FPP <> wrote:
On 4/6/24 2:37 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
. . .
And you still haven't explained why Biden hasn't denounced any of them,
since he's decreed that denouncing political violence is the duty of
every president.
[Fred Phelps citing headline]
Fact check: Joe Biden has condemned Antifa, violent protests
Wait, I thought Antifa didn't exist? Now you're claiming it does and that
Biden has condemned them?
Wow. Baby steps, I guess.
Or do they only exist to the extent you can win on Usenet today?
It exists as a concept, but not as an organization.
LOL! So it was a concept that was trying to burn down the federal
courthouse every night in Portland during the 2020 Summer of Love,
was it?
I'm so confused about Fred Phelps' position here. These large-scale
protests that included violence, arson, and vandalism were organized
through Twitter by people forwarding tweets. An "organization" is a body
that organizes something. A protest was organized by those tweeting.
 Of course Effa is full of it here. Even his fellow leftists recognize
Antifa as a thing, not just some ephemeral 'concept'.
 He acts like since they don't issue membership cards they're not a group.
fact that they worked in concert is what made them an organization, even
without being organized as a corporation, partnership, or unincorporated
society with charters and bylaws and other organic documents. Working
together by passing the word along is what made them an organization.
It exists as a means of organizing among those doing the organizing.
This is actual, not conceptual. Working together toward a common purpose
is all that's necessary to be an organization.
Two dumbfucks don't make a right.
 From (who have slightly more credibility than two ignorant fucks bitching and whining on Usenet.

Antifa has seen a steady increase in media attention ever since former President Donald Trump took office in January 2017. Republicans often portray antifa as a highly organized group of "terrorists" worthy of national watch lists. Some conspiracy theorists falsely blamed antifa for the January 6 Capitol riots that led to five deaths.
Right-wing media blames antifa members for rioting and looting. Democrats have also condemned such violence, but many on the left say the rhetoric about antifa is greatly exaggerated, and that it's less of an organized movement than just something of "an idea."
But much of what politicians say about antifa isn't quite true. Here's what antifa is, what it isn't, and what you need to know.
Anti, anti, anti...
Antifa is not a highly organized movement, nor is it merely an idea. Antifa is a loose affiliation of local activists scattered across the United States and a few other countries.
The term "antifa" is short for anti-fascist; it's used both by its adherents and its foes.
Link here... but be warned, it downloads a pdf.

Antifa has no official national leadership, though followers have organized themselves into small, local cells that sometimes coordinate with other movements, such as Black Lives Matter. Some self-described antifa adherents have organized to confront Patriot Prayer, the Proud Boys, and other far-right groups during public demonstrations. Some of those rallies have devolved into violence.

Some antifa adherents keep a very low profile, while other local groups venture to give themselves a more public profile with a name and a website. One of the oldest such groups appears to be Rose City Antifa, which says it was founded in Portland, Oregon, in 2007. According to its website, its main focus is "any work that prevents fascist organizing, and when that is not possible, provides consequences to fascist organizers. This is supported by researching and tracking fascist organizations."
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC Bible  25B.G.
Gracie, age 6.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 Apr 24 * Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"84FPP
4 Apr 24 +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1Ubiquitous
4 Apr 24 +* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"2moviePig
5 Apr 24 i`- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1trotsky
4 Apr 24 +* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"78BTR1701
5 Apr 24 i+* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"73FPP
5 Apr 24 ii`* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"72BTR1701
5 Apr 24 ii +* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"70moviePig
6 Apr 24 ii i+- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1trotsky
6 Apr 24 ii i+* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"63BTR1701
7 Apr 24 ii ii+* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"2NoBody
7 Apr 24 ii iii`- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1moviePig
7 Apr 24 ii ii+* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"4moviePig
8 Apr 24 ii iii+- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1BTR1701
8 Apr 24 ii iii+- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1NoBody
9 Apr 24 ii iii`- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1FPP
9 Apr 24 ii ii`* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"56FPP
10 Apr 24 ii ii `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"55FPP
10 Apr 24 ii ii  `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"54BTR1701
10 Apr 24 ii ii   +* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"2moviePig
11 Apr 24 ii ii   i`- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1FPP
11 Apr 24 ii ii   +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1FPP
14 Apr 24 ii ii   `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"50Adam H. Kerman
14 Apr 24 ii ii    +* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"43BTR1701
15 Apr 24 ii ii    i`* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"42FPP
15 Apr 24 ii ii    i +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1FPP
15 Apr 24 ii ii    i +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1Adam H. Kerman
16 Apr 24 ii ii    i +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1trotsky
16 Apr 24 ii ii    i `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"38FPP
16 Apr 24 ii ii    i  `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"37BTR1701
16 Apr 24 ii ii    i   +* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"25Adam H. Kerman
17 Apr 24 ii ii    i   i+* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"23FPP
17 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii`* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"22BTR1701
18 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"21FPP
18 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii  +* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"3BTR1701
19 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii  i+- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1Ubiquitous
19 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii  i`- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1FPP
18 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii  +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1Ubiquitous
20 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii  `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"16BTR1701
20 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii   +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1moviePig
22 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii   +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1moviePig
22 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii   +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1Ubiquitous
22 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii   +* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"4FPP
22 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii   i+* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"2BTR1701
23 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii   ii`- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1FPP
22 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii   i`- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1Ubiquitous
22 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii   `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"8FPP
22 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii    `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"7BTR1701
22 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii     +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1Ubiquitous
23 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii     `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"5FPP
23 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii      `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"4BTR1701
23 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii       +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1trotsky
26 Apr 24 ii ii    i   ii       `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"2FPP
1 May 24 ii ii    i   ii        `- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1Ubiquitous
18 Apr 24 ii ii    i   i`- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1trotsky
17 Apr 24 ii ii    i   `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"11FPP
17 Apr 24 ii ii    i    `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"10BTR1701
18 Apr 24 ii ii    i     `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"9FPP
18 Apr 24 ii ii    i      `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"8BTR1701
19 Apr 24 ii ii    i       +* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"4FPP
19 Apr 24 ii ii    i       i`* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"3BTR1701
19 Apr 24 ii ii    i       i +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1Ubiquitous
20 Apr 24 ii ii    i       i `- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1FPP
20 Apr 24 ii ii    i       `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"3trotsky
20 Apr 24 ii ii    i        `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"2FPP
20 Apr 24 ii ii    i         `- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1trotsky
14 Apr 24 ii ii    `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"6moviePig
15 Apr 24 ii ii     `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"5FPP
15 Apr 24 ii ii      `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"4trotsky
15 Apr 24 ii ii       `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"3FPP
16 Apr 24 ii ii        +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1trotsky
16 Apr 24 ii ii        `- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1FPP
8 Apr 24 ii i`* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"5FPP
8 Apr 24 ii i `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"4BTR1701
9 Apr 24 ii i  `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"3FPP
9 Apr 24 ii i   `* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"2BTR1701
10 Apr 24 ii i    `- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1FPP
6 Apr 24 ii `- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1trotsky
5 Apr 24 i`* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"4trotsky
5 Apr 24 i +* Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"2FPP
6 Apr 24 i i`- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1trotsky
8 Apr 24 i `- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1Ubiquitous
5 Apr 24 +- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1trotsky
8 Apr 24 `- Re: BIDEN: "Trump Won't Denounce Political Violence!"1Ubiquitous

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