Re: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones

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Sujet : Re: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones
De : super70s (at) *nospam* super70s.invalid (super70s)
Groupes :
Date : 13. May 2024, 06:51:48
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v1s694$399i0$>
References : 1
User-Agent : Unison/2.2
On 2024-05-13 02:36:20 +0000, danny burstein said:

So I'm checking next Sunday morning's schedule (and the one after it)
looking to see which Flintstone's episodes they're broadcasting
 And shudder... instead of three back-to-back showings,
they've dropped the first two in favour of "Meet the Press".
 Why, oh why?
 If any of the Wiegels are reading this, slap the programming
wiz who decided this, real hard like.
Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]
Your MeTV station must be one of those that pre-empts certain programming for other stuff sometimes.
They get into the weeds in all of this at
Anyway here's what you missed this morning:
"Fred mistakenly thinks Wilma is going to have a baby."
"Fred's rich uncle mistakenly visits Bedrock, expecting to find his namesake."

Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 May 24 * no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones12danny burstein
13 May 24 `* Re: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones11super70s
13 May 24  +* Re: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones8danny burstein
21 May 24  i`* update, was: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones7danny burstein
21 May 24  i `* Re: update, was: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones6BTR1701
21 May 24  i  `* Re: update, was: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones5shawn
21 May 24  i   +* Re: update, was: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones2BTR1701
23 May 24  i   i`- Re: update, was: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones1trotsky
21 May 24  i   `* Re: update, was: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones2Adam H. Kerman
3 Jun 24  i    `- Re: update, was: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones1BTR1701
3 Jun 24  `* Re: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones2Pluted Pup
4 Jun 24   `- Re: no, "MeTV", we do NOT want "Meet the Press". Bring back the Flintstones1super70s

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