Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)

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Sujet : Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
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Date : 03. Jun 2024, 00:31:20
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v3irro$3htb9$>
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Ian J. Ball <ijball@mac.invalid> wrote:
On 6/2/24 11:27 AM, Arthur Lipscomb wrote:
On 6/2/2024 9:28 AM, Ian J. Ball wrote:

Blumhouse's Fantasy Island (Hulu) - In glorious 4k!

Hulu has it in 4K?!? The movie was released on disc only on blu-ray. :-/

Yes. I was surprised - I noticed after watching that it had apparently
been in 4k, and double-checked that Hulu indicated that it was.

Since you looked it up, were the video cameras appropriate to 4K
production, or is this stepped up to 4K? For all I know, typical video
cameras do 4K natively.

Confess, Fletch (Showtime) 2022 movie (which has been sitting on my DVR
since 2022) starring John Hamm as "Fletch," who gets caught up in a
convoluted plot involving a stolen painting and a murder. Beyond that I
really didn't follow the plot of this movie at all. I've been working
my way through this for the past few days and finally finished it. The
movie was just sort of on as I watched Fletch make wise cracks and annoy
the police. Maybe fans of the character will like it more, but I was
just waiting for it to be over.

I strongly dislike the Chevy Chase films, but have been meaning to get
to this one for John Hamm.

This is adapted from the 1976 novel by Gregory Mcdonald. I had read the
novel years ago and did remember it. The movie adaptation was a mess. If
you want to learn the motivations for any of the characters, read the
novel, which was quite entertaining.

As far as Chase's two movies, the plot of Fletch (1985) is a straight
adaptation of the novel (1974). The Fletch character cracks wise. Chase
didn't want to play the character. Instead, he wanted to add clowning
that had nothing to do with character, plus disguises intended to fail
as "comedy". Oddly, except for Chase, it's a watchable movie because the
cast, except for Chase, is decent. Also, I really liked the score.

Fletch Lives (1989) is an original script using the Fletch character. It
has no redeeming qualities.

Read the series of novels. They are light, fast reads, very
entertaining. You'd think it would be no trouble to adapt them into
movies, but the two adaptations say otherwise.

Bizarrely, this was NOT direct to video but had a simultaneous
theatrical and streaming release. I watched it a few weeks later on

When a movie has a theatrical release with a tiny audience, are we
counting them as movies any longer, or should we count everything as
made for tv?

Glass (4K disc) 2019 movie written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

I remember being disappointed with this one.

I hated this. I watched it hoping it might be entertaining as a sequel
to Unbreakable, but there was simply nothing in it to hook the audience.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
2 Jun 24 * What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)12Ubiquitous
2 Jun 24 `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)11Ian J. Ball
2 Jun 24  +- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)1Adam H. Kerman
2 Jun 24  `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)9Arthur Lipscomb
2 Jun 24   +* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)4Ian J. Ball
3 Jun 24   i`* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)3Adam H. Kerman
3 Jun 24   i `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)2Ian J. Ball
3 Jun 24   i  `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)1Adam H. Kerman
3 Jun 24   +* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)2Arthur Lipscomb
3 Jun 24   i`- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)1Arthur Lipscomb
3 Jun 24   `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)2shawn
4 Jun 24    `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-01 (Saturday)1Arthur Lipscomb

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