Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)

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Sujet : Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)
De : suzee (at) *nospam* (suzeeq)
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Date : 12. Mar 2024, 05:52:24
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On 3/11/2024 5:53 PM, Dimensional Traveler wrote:
On 3/11/2024 5:34 PM, suzeeq wrote:
On 3/11/2024 3:20 PM, Dimensional Traveler wrote:
On 3/11/2024 12:48 PM, shawn wrote:
On Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:48:48 -0700, suzeeq <> wrote:
On 3/11/2024 11:08 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
suzeeq <> wrote:
On 3/11/2024 8:43 AM, Adam H. Kerman wrote:
Arthur Lipscomb <> wrote:
The time change through me for a loop.  I knew it was happening but
wasn't sure which day it was happening or if I was gaining or losing an
Spring ahead! Fall back! Since daylight is being "saved", think about
the time of sunset being moved back an hour from standard time. That's
how I remember that the clock gets set ahead.
But sunset moves forward in the spring.
Then I saw the clock on my stove was an hour earlier.  When I was
a kid I had manually change all the clocks which helped a bit, but now
with almost every clock in the house automatically changing the time by
the time I wake up it's like I involuntarily time traveled without
knowing it.
I figure it out by looking at my cellphone or the computer, then reset
the other clocks.
And you shouldn’t have to do that. At all.
I don't have magic clocks that automatically know the time. And I don't
want them.
I had to get a new alarm clock back last year. It sets the time itself
including adjusting for Daylight Savings Time. Oh, and of course my
computer resets the time automatically. Which is enough for me. I can
reset my watch and microwave when I think about it.
I don't wear a watch (haven't for many years, as pretty much EVERYTHING that includes electronics in it these days has a visible clock) and I just never set the clock on the microwave or electric stove in the first place.
I do set the stove, it's another reference point for me to keep track of time when I have to be somewhere, and can't see the others.
I can't get out of line of sight of a clock anymore.  Sitting here at my desk there are *counts* three different "clocks" in line of sight.  The only place in my apartment where there isn't a visible clock is in the bathtub and that's only if I pull the curtain closed.
You have a lot more than I do. At my computer, I can check it, or scoot my chair back to look at the video player, but they're not quite line of sight. I have to turn around to look at the stove, but it's too far away to actually read.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Mar 24 * What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)27Ian J. Ball
11 Mar 24 +* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)5Dimensional Traveler
11 Mar 24 i`* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)4Adam H. Kerman
11 Mar 24 i `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)3Arthur Lipscomb
11 Mar 24 i  `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)2Dimensional Traveler
11 Mar 24 i   `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)1Adam H. Kerman
11 Mar 24 `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)21Arthur Lipscomb
11 Mar 24  +* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)18Adam H. Kerman
11 Mar 24  i+* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)7Arthur Lipscomb
11 Mar 24  ii+- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)1Dimensional Traveler
11 Mar 24  ii`* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)5shawn
11 Mar 24  ii +* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)3Arthur Lipscomb
12 Mar 24  ii i+- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)1shawn
13 Mar 24  ii i`- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)1Arthur Lipscomb
17 Mar 24  ii `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)1Dimensional Traveler
11 Mar 24  i`* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)10suzeeq
11 Mar 24  i +* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)7suzeeq
11 Mar 24  i i`* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)6shawn
12 Mar 24  i i `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)5Dimensional Traveler
12 Mar 24  i i  `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)4suzeeq
12 Mar 24  i i   +- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)1shawn
12 Mar 24  i i   `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)2Dimensional Traveler
12 Mar 24  i i    `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)1suzeeq
11 Mar 24  i `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)2Adam H. Kerman
12 Mar 24  i  `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)1suzeeq
11 Mar 24  `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)2super70s
11 Mar 24   `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-10 (Sunday)1Adam H. Kerman

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