Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime

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Sujet : Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
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Date : 12. Mar 2024, 18:10:11
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Tue, 12 Mar 2024 05:03:25 +0000
BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:

Locking people up for crimes they might commit and life in prison for
hate speech. Looks like Canadia is well on its way to the Putin-level
If this bill passes, you'll get significantly more time in prison in
Canada for making a racist comment than you you will for raping a
Justin Trudeau's government has proposed a law giving judges the
power to put someone under house arrest if they fear they could
commit a hate crime.
Critics have warned the draconian bill is an overreach of power and
could stifle free speech and difficult discussions.
But Canada's justice minister defended the measure, claiming it would
be an important tool to help protect potential victims.
An online harms bill introduced by the Liberals last week proposed a
string of laws to protect children and prosecute hate crimes.
One of the suggested measures would give judges the ability to put
people under house arrest who they worry could commit a hate crime in
the future. The person could also be made to wear an electronic tag
if the attorney-general requested it.
Arif Virani, the justice minister, said the measures could prove very
important in restraining the behaviour of someone who might be
targeting minority groups.
"[If] there's a genuine fear of an escalation, then an individual or
group could come forward and seek a peace bond against them and to
prevent them from doing certain things," Mr Virani said.
Preventative measures could include banning the person from being
near a synagogue or a mosque or restrictions on internet use.
He said: "That would help to de-radicalise people who are learning
things online and acting out in the real world violently-- sometimes
Measures proposed in Bill C-63, which was unveiled on 26 February,
include a new hate speech offence which carries a maximum penalty of
life imprisonment for the most serious cases.

A bill passed earlier in Trudeau's Reign of Error made people eligible
for two years in prison for "mis-gendering" (i.e. correctly identifying
the gender of an individual). They got away with that so now they've
upped the ante to put us in prison for life for hate speech.

It's probably just a coincidence that the current Justice Minister,
Arif Virani, is a Muslim in a party where the Muslims have more
influence than Jews these last few years. Still, it won't shock me if
convictions for "Islamophobia" radically exceed convictions for
anti-Semitism once this bill is enacted. And make no mistake about it,
it has every chance of being enacted given that Trudeau's Liberals plus
their NDP enablers have enough votes to get it done even if the Bloc
Quebecois and the Conservatives jointly oppose the bill with all of
their members. (The Bloc Quebecois is  very progressive just like the
NDP and Liberals so it would not remotely surprise me if they supported
enacting this bill.)

Want your country destroyed? All you need to do is vote "progressive"!


Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Mar 24 * Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime26BTR1701
12 Mar 24 +- Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime1Adam H. Kerman
12 Mar 24 +* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime9shawn
12 Mar 24 i+* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime5moviePig
13 Mar 24 ii`* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime4BTR1701
13 Mar 24 ii `* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime3moviePig
13 Mar 24 ii  `* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime2BTR1701
13 Mar 24 ii   `- Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime1moviePig
13 Mar 24 i`* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime3BTR1701
13 Mar 24 i `* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime2BTR1701
15 Mar 24 i  `- Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime1BTR1701
12 Mar 24 +* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime13Rhino
13 Mar 24 i`* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime12BTR1701
13 Mar 24 i `* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime11moviePig
13 Mar 24 i  +* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime9BTR1701
13 Mar 24 i  i`* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime8moviePig
14 Mar 24 i  i `* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime7BTR1701
14 Mar 24 i  i  `* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime6moviePig
14 Mar 24 i  i   `* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime5BTR1701
14 Mar 24 i  i    `* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime4moviePig
25 Mar 24 i  i     `* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime3BTR1701
25 Mar 24 i  i      `* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime2moviePig
25 Mar 24 i  i       `- Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime1BTR1701
15 Mar 24 i  `- Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime1moviePig
30 Mar 24 `* Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime2Adam H. Kerman
30 Mar 24  `- Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime1moviePig

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