Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'

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Sujet : Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'
De : weberm (at) *nospam* (Ubiquitous)
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Date : 13. Mar 2024, 14:54:14
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uss7ln$uuv8$>
References : 1 2 3 4
User-Agent : WinVN 0.99.12N (x86 32bit) wrote:
shawn <> wrote:
The Horny Goat <> wrote:
Ubiquitous <> wrote:

"What I'm not going to do, what I won't do, I'm not gonna treat any,
any, any of these people with disrespect," Biden later added. "Look,
they built the country. The reason our economy is growing. We have to
control the border and more orderly flow, but I don't share his view at
Uh wait a minute - if I understand correctly he's calling the illegal
aliens not those who came to America legally (like my forebears 300
years ago) the builders of America? (Including a great-great
grandfather of mine who got his 70 year pin from Union Pacific nearly
100 years ago? This is of couse my father's side - my mother's
grandfather was busy commanding a ship in the Royal Navy - admittedly
a small one but any ship command is a command)
No, that's you reading into it. I'm sure what he meant was immigrants
built the country, whether they were documented or undocumented or
Are you sure he hasn't proven his own case of dementia?
The only one I see showing signs of possible dementia is Trump
When he was yelling at the press about how insulted he was that the DOJ
said he couldn't even remember when his son died, and he said he carries
around a rosary to remember his son "from Our Lady of the... um... Our
Lady of the... well, you know..."
In the middle of indignantly denying accusations that he can't even
remember key personal details, he blanks out on a key personal detail.
And that was minutes after he told everyone that Mexico and Gaza share a

When asked about his stolen top secret documents, Senile Resident Joke Biden
was unable to remember the month AND year his son died from cancer and was
also unable to remember when he was VP and Trump was elected. Lastly, he keep
babbling about how his car parked next to the stolen documents went "vroom
vroom!" when he drove it. much to the chagrin of the interviewers.

And you still say the only person losing it is Trump? Seriously?
Let me ask you this. If you owned a business, would you hire Biden to
run it without supervision? I sure wouldn't. Yet he's running the United
States of America.

Would you get in a car Senile Joe was driving?

Let's go Brandon!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 Mar 24 * Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'14shawn
13 Mar 24 +* Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'2shawn
15 Mar 24 i`- Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'1FPP
13 Mar 24 +* Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'2Ubiquitous
14 Mar 24 i`- Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'1super70s
13 Mar 24 +* Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'4Ubiquitous
15 Mar 24 i+* Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'2shawn
18 Mar 24 ii`- Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'1Ubiquitous
15 Mar 24 i`- Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'1FPP
13 Mar 24 +* Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'3Ubiquitous
15 Mar 24 i+- Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'1FPP
15 Mar 24 i`- Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'1FPP
13 Mar 24 +- Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'1moviePig
14 Mar 24 `- Re: Biden Ignites Widespread Backlash For Apologizing Over Calling Laken Riley Murder Suspect 'Illegal'1FPP

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