Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves

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Sujet : Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
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Date : 14. Mar 2024, 19:06:30
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In article <>,
 Rhino <> wrote:

On Wed, 13 Mar 2024 21:28:40 -0700
BTR1701 <> wrote:
In article <>,
 Rhino <> wrote:
Car theft is rampant in Toronto these days. It's gotten so bad that
thieves are using crowbars and similar tools to break into people's
homes so that they can access the keys to the vehicles they are
trying to steal. 
Oh, that would be sweet. My only conundrum would be whether to use
the 9mm or the .357. (The shotgun would make too much of a mess.)
I'm pretty sure we haven't been allowed to own handguns in many years
now. I think there may be an exception for target shooters though so we
may be about to see a huge upswing in people joining shooting clubs....
I think we can still own shotguns though so it will be interesting to
see if there is a major surge in shotgun purchases. If that happens, I
expect that to be followed by some very high profile arrests of
homeowners who use them to defend their cars

You don't use it to defend your car. You use it to defend yourself when
the shitbag breaks into your home looking for car keys.

and prosecutions by judicial activists to "send a message" that they
highly disapprove of people shooting other people to protect their

I know Americans will be dumbfounded by this and not understand why
we don't do the obvious thing and buy guns to defend what's ours
but we've let Trudeau make it so much harder to get a gun than it
already was that it's almost unthinkable now. 
Y'all should put your car keys in a bear trap designed as a key
organizer. When the thief reaches in for the key, SNAP!
I like that idea but it might not go over really well if one of your
clumsier family members inadvertently triggered it and lost a hand....
I'm thinking of an audio deterrent: anyone approaching the door gets to
hear a recording of a shotgun being racked. Of course, that assumes the
visitor isn't wearing ear buds or whatnot and actually knows what a
shotgun being racked sounds like. (I've only heard that sound in
movies, never in real life.)
Of course the real solution to the problem is putting in more sensible
politicians and judges and purging the police of the people who think
the solution to crime is encouraging more of it.

Sounds like the only practical solution at this point is good old
fashioned Charles Bronson-like vigilante justice. It actually wouldn't
even be vigilante at this point considering that your government has
abandoned you.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Mar 24 * [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves10Rhino
14 Mar 24 +* Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves2danny burstein
14 Mar 24 i`- Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves1danny burstein
14 Mar 24 +- Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves1Rhino
14 Mar 24 +* Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves3Rhino
14 Mar 24 i`* Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves2BTR1701
14 Mar 24 i `- Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves1Rhino
15 Mar 24 +- Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves1Rhino
15 Mar 24 `* Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves2Adam H. Kerman
17 Mar 24  `- Horrific domestic violence incident (was: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves)1Adam H. Kerman

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