Re: Beware the brain-eating amoeba

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Sujet : Re: Beware the brain-eating amoeba
De : never (at) *nospam* (moviePig)
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Date : 14. Mar 2024, 22:12:34
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
Message-ID : <17bcbaa04693e8ee$67$3121036$>
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On 3/14/2024 11:55 AM, anim8rfsk wrote:
shawn <> wrote:
On Thu, 14 Mar 2024 02:03:53 -0000 (UTC), "Adam H. Kerman"
<> wrote:
Not sure this makes for the basis of a '50s drive-in movie. Basically,
all you have to do is NOT irrigate your nostrils with tap water, to keep
the amoeba out of your sinuses and from getting into your brain.
I knew those sorts of amoebas were out there but thought the only risk
of catching them was if you inhaled water from ponds that contained
them. I had no idea they could also be found in treated water. Not
that I've ever used a neti pot but I do know people that have used
them and I assume they just used tap water to do so.
 Indeed, they do.
I've said this before but, it seems profoundly stupid to suppose that the complex substance Nature has evolved to most effectively coat your nasal passages can be improved upon by replacement with mere tap water.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Mar 24 * Beware the brain-eating amoeba9Adam H. Kerman
14 Mar 24 `* Re: Beware the brain-eating amoeba8shawn
14 Mar 24  +* Re: Beware the brain-eating amoeba6moviePig
15 Mar 24  i`* Re: Beware the brain-eating amoeba5moviePig
15 Mar 24  i `* Re: Beware the brain-eating amoeba4Dimensional Traveler
15 Mar 24  i  `* Re: Beware the brain-eating amoeba3moviePig
16 Mar 24  i   `* Re: Beware the brain-eating amoeba2BTR1701
16 Mar 24  i    `- Re: Beware the brain-eating amoeba1moviePig
15 Mar 24  `- Re: Beware the brain-eating amoeba1Adam H. Kerman

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