Re: News: AMC Picks Up SNOWPIERCER To Air 4th (and Final(?)) Season

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Sujet : Re: News: AMC Picks Up SNOWPIERCER To Air 4th (and Final(?)) Season
De : memyself (at) *nospam* (EGK)
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Date : 15. Mar 2024, 02:42:56
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On Thu, 14 Mar 2024 14:52:22 -0700, "Ian J. Ball" <ijball@mac.invalid>

I was just at my job where I can't receive or post usenet messages (or
send Apple Emails - I'm guessing it's some kind of firewall thing?)...
anyway, so I am sure Robin beat me to this news.
But, as per Variety:
Glad someone *finally* picked up the final(?) season of this show, so
the rest of us can watch it, and thank goodness it's on a "linear" cable
channel where I will be able to DVR it.
It's just too bad that WBD couldn't do it themselves, and it's too bad
that it took OVER A YEAR to make a deal like this happen!!?!  :/

Wow! Finally.  I couldnt figure out why Netflix didnt pick it up since they
were running the other seasons.  I don't know if they still are but it
seemed like an easy thing to do at the time.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Mar 24 * News: AMC Picks Up SNOWPIERCER To Air 4th (and Final(?)) Season4Ian J. Ball
15 Mar 24 +* Re: News: AMC Picks Up SNOWPIERCER To Air 4th (and Final(?)) Season2Dimensional Traveler
19 Mar 24 i`- Re: News: AMC Picks Up SNOWPIERCER To Air 4th (and Final(?)) Season1Arthur Lipscomb
15 Mar 24 `- Re: News: AMC Picks Up SNOWPIERCER To Air 4th (and Final(?)) Season1EGK

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