Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves

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Sujet : Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
Groupes :
Date : 15. Mar 2024, 05:50:29
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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User-Agent : Claws Mail 4.2.0 (GTK 3.24.41; x86_64-w64-mingw32)
On Thu, 14 Mar 2024 13:33:27 -0700
The Horny Goat <> wrote:

On Wed, 13 Mar 2024 23:46:33 -0400, Rhino
<> wrote:
The TPS (Toronto Police Service) is on the job! After due
consideration, they've come up with a plan: make it easy for thieves
to get your keys so that you don't get hurt by home-invading
thieves!! They're literally giving out this advice at public
meetings. And Torontonians are following this advice by putting up
signs at their doors telling thieves that their house doors are
unlocked and the keys are right by the door!!!
That would be something like the guy whose Lexus was stolen in one of
the outer burbs in Toronto and using the GPS he followed it - all the
way to the docks in Quebec City

Actually, I think it was the Port of Montreal, which seems to be THE
main place these stolen calls are sent overseas.

where he called 911 and pleaded
unsuccessfully with the police to intervene before it was loaded into
a container and loaded onto an outbound ship headed for parts unknown.
Naturally he took photos of the whole affair but last I heard hadn't
gotten anywhere.

The last story I saw said the car was still sitting in a lot in Nigeria
and the police were still "looking into it". But that was a few weeks
ago so there may be further unreported developments.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Mar 24 * [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves10Rhino
14 Mar 24 +* Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves2danny burstein
14 Mar 24 i`- Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves1danny burstein
14 Mar 24 +- Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves1Rhino
14 Mar 24 +* Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves3Rhino
14 Mar 24 i`* Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves2BTR1701
14 Mar 24 i `- Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves1Rhino
15 Mar 24 +- Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves1Rhino
15 Mar 24 `* Re: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves2Adam H. Kerman
17 Mar 24  `- Horrific domestic violence incident (was: [OT] Toronto police urge car owners to make things easy for car thieves)1Adam H. Kerman

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