Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin

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Sujet : Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 15. Mar 2024, 18:27:40
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <ut1sts$2bqrh$>
References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:
Rhino <> wrote:
Fri, 15 Mar 2024 00:13:22 +0000 BTR1701 <>:

Deadspin tried to drag a little kid for PC woke bullshit and it
bankrupted the company and everyone's on the unemployment line.

You love to see it.

A great story but man, that woman talks FAST. This seems to be an
emerging trend in videos with presenters talking a mile a minute and
never stopping for breath. Let's just say I'm not a fan of that.....

Yes, but Brett's adorableness more than makes up for it.

What I don't get is why every YouTuber wears huge honkin' headphones just
to sit and talk into a microphone.

It's a radio thing. Either she is working with an engineer cuing her,
or she's monitoring her own sound quality as her own engineer.

These aren't truly videos but just a video recording of a podcast.

People do this in Zoom meetings all the time. I wear headphone with a
microphone, and I use either a laptop or desktop computer without a
camera because who cares what I look like.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 Mar 24 * Karma Comes for Deadspin5BTR1701
15 Mar 24 `* Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin4Rhino
15 Mar 24  +* Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin2Rhino
15 Mar 24  i`- Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin1BTR1701
15 Mar 24  `- Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin1Adam H. Kerman

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