Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin

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Sujet : Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
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Date : 15. Mar 2024, 19:33:04
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In article <>,
 Rhino <> wrote:

On Fri, 15 Mar 2024 03:50:00 +0000
BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:
Rhino <> wrote:
On Fri, 15 Mar 2024 00:13:22 +0000
BTR1701 <> wrote:
Deadspin tried to drag a little kid for PC woke bullshit and it
bankrupted the company and everyone's on the unemployment line.
You love to see it.
A great story but man, that woman talks FAST. This seems to be an
emerging trend in videos with presenters talking a mile a minute and
never stopping for breath. Let's just say I'm not a fan of
Yes, but Brett's adorableness more than makes up for it.
What I don't get is why every YouTuber wears huge honkin' headphones
just to sit and talk into a microphone.
Yeah, that doesn't make much sense to me either for many videos. But
she probably has a producer telling her to look into Camera 2 now, then
into Camera 1, just to keep things from looking too static to the
viewer. That's my guess anyway.

So why not wear small earbuds?

I mean, you don't see Wolf Blitzer on CNN wearing huge headphones on his
head. Why do these YouTube people do it?

I've noticed that not all of them do. Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Michael
Knowles, all have shows on DailyWire like Brett but they don't wear

It seems like a young person thing. Like it's the cool thing to do.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 Mar 24 * Karma Comes for Deadspin5BTR1701
15 Mar 24 `* Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin4Rhino
15 Mar 24  +* Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin2Rhino
15 Mar 24  i`- Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin1BTR1701
15 Mar 24  `- Re: Karma Comes for Deadspin1Adam H. Kerman

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