Touchscreen fatality: Requiring drivers to change gears with a touchscreen on a Tesla

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Sujet : Touchscreen fatality: Requiring drivers to change gears with a touchscreen on a Tesla
De : plutedpup (at) *nospam* (Pluted Pup)
Groupes :
Date : 16. Mar 2024, 00:23:24
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Looks like another Touchscreen Fatality.

The media says that touchscreens are better for
everything because it's "more technological", but
it's really just supported because advertisers
think it's "kewl".

The forced replacing of tactile controls with touchscreens
doesn't just hurt the handicapped:

Billionaire Dies After Accidentally Backing Tesla Into Pond

"And THAT is the utter stupidity of using a TOUCHSCREEN to
replace physical and CRITICAL controls in a Car!"

"I do not want the same technology that can't tell what
letter I'm trying to type, to be in charge of the gear shift.
I'll stick with cars that have tactile controls."

Also avoid the brand Mercedees, which have the design
flaw of requiring touchscreen for climate controls,
etc. Forcing drivers to take their eyes off the
road to use swipe and click touchscreens is a hazard not
only tothe car owner but everybody else on the road.

"in a Tesla you can only change gears by swiping up or down
on the touch screen. It is really dumb to replace a physical
stick with touch controls"

and many comments that blame the victim and effectually
say that business is always right and customers are
always wrong.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
16 Mar 24 o Touchscreen fatality: Requiring drivers to change gears with a touchscreen on a Tesla1Pluted Pup

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