Mike Rowe Easily Handles CNN During Interview About Possibly Joining RFK Jr. Ticket

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Sujet : Mike Rowe Easily Handles CNN During Interview About Possibly Joining RFK Jr. Ticket
De : weberm (at) *nospam* polaris.net (Ubiquitous)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 19. Mar 2024, 10:30:47
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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Mike Rowe easily handled CNN during an interview about the possibility that
he could join Robert F. Kennedy Jr.�s independent presidential ticket.

The �Dirty Jobs� host recently sat down with CNN anchor Erin Burnett, where
he confirmed that he was on RFK Jr.�s list of potential vice presidential
candidates, the New York Post reported.

�Actually, I ran into him about six months ago in Dallas, totally
serendipitously, and we exchanged information and he reached out about a
month ago,� Rowe said.

�At some point, he asked me if I would ever consider running for public
office, and I spit my coffee back into my cup and I said, �Seriously?'� he
added, noting the �serious conversation� the two had.

But when the interview turned to others RFK Jr. had picked for VP like New
York Jets QB Aaron Rodgers � whose past comments have caused headlines � Rowe
showed his media skills.

I have to say that Mike Rowe is a real class act. @CNN tried
desperately to drag him into childish divisive discourse, and he
stayed above it. He handled this interview like a real adult, and
that�s not something you see very much these days in US
politics.#Kennedy24 pic.twitter.com/RMXtRIOGc2

� Gregory Latham Jr (@B7grWinning) March 15, 2024

�I think he [Rodgers] has a right to articulate whatever he wants,� Rowe told
CNN. �And we have a right to respond however we want. I have no idea what the
man actually said � I don�t know what qualifies or disqualifies a person
running for anything.�

�You know somebody said to me the other day � how the hell are you qualified
to do this [be his VP] and I started to explain how she was right and how I
wasn�t,� he added. �And you know Bobby said something to me, he said,
�there�s so many skeletons in my closet if you really open it up and give it
a look and if they could all vote I�d be king of the world.'�

�You could probably find stupid stuff that anybody said, but what really
qualifies a man or a woman to run for president or vice president? I think
you got to be 35. I think you have to be born in this country.� Rowe
continued. �After that I don�t know about qualifications �Personally I
stopped watching football after the Colts left Baltimore and so I don�t know
how much use I can be on that.�

It was clear that Burnett hadn�t anticipated his response, and the way he
handled the interview was something he was praised for by many.

�I have to say that Mike Rowe is a real class act. [CNN] tried desperately to
drag him into childish divisive discourse, and he stayed above it,� one
person wrote. �He handled this interview like a real adult, and that�s not
something you see very much these days in US politics.�

Another added, �Mike was talking for about 10 seconds and she stopped
listening, reloading for the next question. He could have talked about the 7
dwarfs being rapists and she wouldn�t have bothered following up.�

While a third wrote sarcastically, �Please, CNN, please start a fight with
the guy who literally had a show focused on blue collar workers. It�s a
winning strategy.�

Let's go Brandon!

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19 Mar 24 o Mike Rowe Easily Handles CNN During Interview About Possibly Joining RFK Jr. Ticket1Ubiquitous

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