Re: Caitlyn (Bruce Jenner) says allowing transgender women on women's sports teams will ruin women's sports

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Sujet : Re: Caitlyn (Bruce Jenner) says allowing transgender women on women's sports teams will ruin women's sports
De : weberm (at) *nospam* (Ubiquitous)
Groupes :
Date : 19. Mar 2024, 10:30:54
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <utbun9$pkre$>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : WinVN 0.99.12N (x86 32bit) wrote:
Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:

Nassau County just banned women's sports teams with transgender athletes
from using county sports facilitis. Caitlyn (Bruce Jenner) made
statements in support of the ban, and was criticized by transgender
activists, calling it a baffling contradiction to her own identity.
Last I looked, Jenner competed as a guy even if he felt like a woman all
those decades ago. I think she has something to say about playing fair.
Allowing the slovenly Kardashian whores onto the E! channel ruined the E!
channel.  And destroyed talk soup.

Not to mention Bruce Jenner.

Let's go Brandon!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
19 Mar 24 o Re: Caitlyn (Bruce Jenner) says allowing transgender women on women's sports teams will ruin women's sports1Ubiquitous

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