Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship

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Sujet : Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship
De : fredp1571 (at) *nospam* (FPP)
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Date : 20. Mar 2024, 17:28:25
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Organisation : Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 3/19/24 10:29 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
WTF? What country do you think this is, Ketanji?
 The Bill of Rights wasn't written to restrain WE THE PEOPLE.
 It was written to restrain THE GOVERNMENT.
 Getting in the way of government censorship efforts is precisely what the
1st Amendment was intended to do. It's a feature, not a bug. If the
government's attempts at censorship are hitting a brick wall because of the
1st Amendment, that's a sign everything's working as intended.
 It's become stunningly apparent why Biden diversity-hired your Marxist ass.
 Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson raised concerns that the 1st
Amendment may stand in the way of government censorship in unique times.
 In Monday's oral arguments for Murthy v. Missouri, Jackson appeared to be
skeptical that the government could not censor social media posts in "the
most important time periods".
 "My biggest concern is that your view has the 1st Amendment hamstringing
the government in significant ways in the most important time
periods,"Jackson said to Louisiana Solicitor General Benjamin Aguiñaga.
 "You seem to be suggesting that that duty cannot manifest itself in the
government encouraging or even pressuring platforms to take down harmful
information," Jackson said. "So, can you help me? Because I'm really
worried about that because you've got the 1st Amendment operating in an
environment of threatening circumstances, from the government's
perspective, and you're saying that the government can't interact with the
source of those problems."
 Aguiñaga said his view was that the government should intervene in certain
situations, but it has to do so by following the 1st Amendment.
 "Our position is not that the government can't interact with the platforms
there. They can and they should in certain circumstances like that, that
present such dangerous issues for society and especially young people,"
Aguiñaga said in response. "But the way they do that has to be in
compliance with the 1st Amendment and I think that means they can give them
all the true information that the platform needs and ask to amplify that."
 Jackson said a "once-in-a-lifetime pandemic" or other emergencies would
provide grounds for the government to censor social media posts that are
 "I'm interested in your view that the context doesn't change the 1st
Amendment principles," she said. "I understood our 1st Amendment
jurisprudence to require heightened scrutiny of government restrictions of
speech, but not necessarily a total prohibition when you're talking about a
compelling interest of the government to ensure, for example, that the
public has accurate information in the context of a once-in-a-lifetime
 [Except a lot of that censored information turned out to be true and the
"officially approved" info false, which should highlight the dangers of
carving out *any* exceptions to the "...shall make NO law" standard.]
 Jackson was harshly criticized for her comments, with Rep. Jim Jordan
(R-OH) referencing her argument and saying it was "literally one of the
craziest things I've ever seen. That you could have a Supreme Court Justice
say that in the oral argument made no sense to me. That is frightening.
Because if she really believes that, that is scary where we are heading."
The government has the power and, indeed the right to make sure that harmful information doesn't get to the public.

Jackson said a “once-in-a-lifetime pandemic” or other emergencies would provide grounds for the government to censor social media posts that are misinformative.  “I’m interested in your view that the context doesn’t change the First Amendment principles,” she said. “I understood our First Amendment jurisprudence to require heightened scrutiny of government restrictions of speech, but not necessarily a total prohibition when you’re talking about a compelling interest of the government to ensure, for example, that the public has accurate information in the context of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic.”
Try telling kids to eat Tide Pods because they're good for them and see where it gets you.
Or try publishing National Defense secrets...
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC Bible  25B.G.
Gracie, age 6.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
20 Mar 24 * Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship70FPP
21 Mar 24 `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship69FPP
21 Mar 24  +* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship59moviePig
21 Mar 24  i+* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship56BTR1701
21 Mar 24  ii`* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship55moviePig
21 Mar 24  ii +* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship23moviePig
22 Mar 24  ii i`* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship22moviePig
22 Mar 24  ii i `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship21FPP
22 Mar 24  ii i  `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship20BTR1701
22 Mar 24  ii i   +* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship16moviePig
22 Mar 24  ii i   i`* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship15BTR1701
23 Mar 24  ii i   i `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship14FPP
23 Mar 24  ii i   i  `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship13BTR1701
26 Mar 24  ii i   i   `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship12FPP
28 Mar 24  ii i   i    `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship11FPP
28 Mar 24  ii i   i     `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship10BTR1701
29 Mar 24  ii i   i      +* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship6FPP
30 Mar 24  ii i   i      i+* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship4FPP
30 Mar 24  ii i   i      ii`* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship3BTR1701
31 Mar 24  ii i   i      ii +- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1FPP
31 Mar 24  ii i   i      ii `- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1BTR1701
30 Mar 24  ii i   i      i`- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1FPP
29 Mar 24  ii i   i      `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship3FPP
29 Mar 24  ii i   i       `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship2BTR1701
30 Mar 24  ii i   i        `- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1FPP
23 Mar 24  ii i   `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship3FPP
23 Mar 24  ii i    `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship2BTR1701
26 Mar 24  ii i     `- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1FPP
21 Mar 24  ii +- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1moviePig
21 Mar 24  ii +- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1moviePig
22 Mar 24  ii `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship29FPP
22 Mar 24  ii  `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship28BTR1701
23 Mar 24  ii   +* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship13FPP
23 Mar 24  ii   i+* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship11moviePig
24 Mar 24  ii   ii`* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship10moviePig
24 Mar 24  ii   ii `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship9moviePig
24 Mar 24  ii   ii  `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship8BTR1701
24 Mar 24  ii   ii   `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship7moviePig
25 Mar 24  ii   ii    `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship6BTR1701
25 Mar 24  ii   ii     `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship5moviePig
25 Mar 24  ii   ii      `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship4BTR1701
25 Mar 24  ii   ii       `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship3moviePig
25 Mar 24  ii   ii        `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship2moviePig
25 Mar 24  ii   ii         `- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1BTR1701
26 Mar 24  ii   i`- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1FPP
23 Mar 24  ii   +* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship3FPP
23 Mar 24  ii   i`* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship2BTR1701
23 Mar 24  ii   i `- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1moviePig
23 Mar 24  ii   `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship11moviePig
23 Mar 24  ii    +- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1FPP
23 Mar 24  ii    +* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship8BTR1701
23 Mar 24  ii    i+- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1Adam H. Kerman
23 Mar 24  ii    i+- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1moviePig
23 Mar 24  ii    i+- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1moviePig
23 Mar 24  ii    i+- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1moviePig
24 Mar 24  ii    i+- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1moviePig
24 Mar 24  ii    i+- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1moviePig
26 Mar 24  ii    i`- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1FPP
24 Mar 24  ii    `- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1moviePig
22 Mar 24  i`* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship2FPP
22 Mar 24  i `- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1moviePig
22 Mar 24  +* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship4FPP
22 Mar 24  i`* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship3BTR1701
23 Mar 24  i `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship2FPP
23 Mar 24  i  `- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1BTR1701
22 Mar 24  `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship5trotsky
23 Mar 24   `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship4FPP
23 Mar 24    `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship3Adam H. Kerman
23 Mar 24     `* Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship2Adam H. Kerman
23 Mar 24      `- Re: Ketanji Jackson Worried That the 1st Amendment is Hamstringing Government Censorship1BTR1701

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