Re: Law and Order "Facade" 3/21/2024

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Sujet : Re: Law and Order "Facade" 3/21/2024
De : no_email (at) *nospam* invalid.invalid (BTR1701)
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Date : 24. Mar 2024, 01:19:46
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Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
BTR1701 <> wrote:
Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
"Facade" is massively stupid in different ways. The episode opens like
a horror movie with a young pretty female victim willingly going into
scary situations to meet her fate, except she hasn't first had hot sex
with a teenage boy. She enters an empty subway station with no one on
the platform except maybe a homeless guy. I thought she'd find a corpse.
On the train, some tallish guy in distress falls against her; she
apologizes. Cut to the crime scene in which he's the murder victim.
Turns out he's a comedian. Riley also thinks he's a comedian but cannot
pull off the gallows humor like Greevey, Cerreta, and especially
They find evidence that he'd gotten into an altercation with an older
comedian. That was a red herring. It leads to the dead guy's boyfriend.
Then there's this, well, it's not exactly a dojo. It claims to be MMA,
but it's this weird training academy for men that, later in the episode,
we learn is being investigated by the Joint Terrorism Task Force (do
they literally do investigations or coordinate investigations being done
by member law enforcement agencies?)
They have members from various state, local, and federal agencies, and
yes, they do their own investigations. I was on the FBI-JTTF in Austin
for three years and worked about a dozen cases.
That being said, the case on the show was not a JTTF case. It was an
NYPD Counter-Terrorism case,
I think I forgot whose logo was on the wall of the room Baxter had the
meeting in.
which raises a whole lot of other questions
in light of what they said about this group having 'cells' in both other
states and in Canadia. If all that's true, this absolutely is FBI
jurisdiction and the NYPD is going to be in some hot water if there's an
attack and they hadn't bothered to tell anyone about this group and
their investigation of it.
Don't I recall Frank once claiming that their counterterrorism unit had
worldwide jurisdiction? I'm not sure who has broader jurisdiction versus

It's close but there's no question that Baywatch trumps them all.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 Mar 24 * Tony Goldwyn episodes Law and Order "Balance of Power" 3/14/2024 "Facade" 3/21/2024 (spoilers)14Adam H. Kerman
22 Mar 24 +* Tony Goldwyn episodes Law and Order "Balance of Power" S23E07 "Facade" S22E08 (spoilers)10Ubiquitous
22 Mar 24 i+* Ubi the shithead plagarized me (was: Tony Goldwyn episodes Law and Order "Balance of Power" S23E07 "Facade" S22E08 (spoilers))8Adam H. Kerman
23 Mar 24 ii+- Re: Tony Goldwyn episodes Law and Order "Balance of Power" S23E07 "Facade" S22E08 (spoilers)1Ubiquitous
23 Mar 24 ii`* Re: Ubi the shithead plagarized me6Adam H. Kerman
24 Mar 24 ii `* Re: Ubi the shithead plagarized me5NoBody
25 Mar 24 ii  +* Re: Ubi the shithead plagarized me3BTR1701
25 Mar 24 ii  i+- Re: Ubi the shithead plagarized me1NoBody
26 Mar 24 ii  i`- Re: Ubi the shithead plagarized me1FPP
25 Mar 24 ii  `- Re: Ubi the shithead plagarized me1NoBody
23 Mar 24 i`- Re: Tony Goldwyn episodes Law and Order "Balance of Power" S23E07 "Facade" S22E08 (spoilers)1Ubiquitous
23 Mar 24 +* Re: Law and Order "Facade" 3/21/20242Adam H. Kerman
24 Mar 24 i`- Re: Law and Order "Facade" 3/21/20241BTR1701
24 Mar 24 `- Re: Tony Goldwyn episodes Law and Order "Balance of Power" 3/14/2024 "Facade" 3/21/2024 (spoilers)1Dorothy J Heydt

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