Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal

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Sujet : Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal
De : weberm (at) *nospam* (Ubiquitous)
Groupes :
Date : 26. Mar 2024, 11:28:39
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <utuql0$1stnu$>
References : 1 2 3 4
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In article <utskvm$198ng$>, wrote:
BTR1701 <> wrote:
"moviePig" <> wrote:
On 3/25/2024 2:37 PM, BTR1701 wrote:

Thanks to Biden's open borders policy and 'progressive' laws that favor
criminals over citizens, we now have organized gangs of illegals who
prowl the countryside looking for homes to steal.
Well, that does set me wondering to what extent you must upkeep your
residential property...
It's not a question of upkeep. These are homes that are kept up just fine.
They're just not occupied at the time the illegals come along, break in,
and say they're now living there. And the police, constrained by these
'progressive' laws that literally cite "squatters' rights", can do nothing
except arrest the homeowner for trying to kick the illegals out.
Remember, these "squatters" are people who aren't even legally allowed to
be in the country, let alone the home in question, and who do the leftist
government officials favor? The criminal illegal alien over the law-abiding
American citizen who's having their home stolen from them.
Neither are they "squatters" for the properties in question were never
abandoned. In your New York example, the criminal falsely told the
police he was a tenant. The police did not believe it. Strange, though,
that they failed to arrest him for making a false statement to the
police in a criminal investigation. Isn't that obstruction of justice?

As I understand it, the squatter claiming to be a renter means it's no longer
a police matter.

[Kerman's incorrect formatting fixed.]

Let's go Brandon!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
25 Mar 24 * Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal11moviePig
25 Mar 24 +* Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal7Adam H. Kerman
26 Mar 24 i+* Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal5Ubiquitous
26 Mar 24 ii`* Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal4Adam H. Kerman
26 Mar 24 ii `* Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal3shawn
26 Mar 24 ii  `* Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal2Adam H. Kerman
27 Mar 24 ii   `- Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal1Adam H. Kerman
27 Mar 24 i`- Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal1Rhino
26 Mar 24 +- Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal1Ubiquitous
27 Mar 24 +- Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal1shawn
27 Mar 24 `- Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal1suzeeq

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