Re: Tracker "Lexington" 3/24/2024 (spoilers)

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Sujet : Re: Tracker "Lexington" 3/24/2024 (spoilers)
De : IJBall (at) *nospam* mac.invalid (Ian J. Ball)
Groupes :
Date : 26. Mar 2024, 18:06:35
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Organisation : Ballassarian Consortium
Message-ID : <uturqa$1thou$>
References : 1
User-Agent : Unison/2.2
On 2024-03-26 05:00:21 +0000, Adam H. Kerman said:

 An episode that sucked less than previous episodes. It had moments of
entertainment, plus horsies.
 Colton heads to Lexington to track a stolen horse. He has three days to
find it as it must run in a qualifying race for the Kentucky Derby.
 There's a "Lexington" caption over a rural area, a cultivated field, a low
mountain or a large hill, a very large body of water in the background,
and significantly, no grass. That ain't horse country surrounding
Lexington. Maybe skip the rural British Columbia establishment shot?
 The horse in question is owned by a team of investors, plus a couple who
take care of the horse. We never see the trainer nor jockey. The couple
is divorcing and the husband sort of implicates the wife in the theft.
 Colton trips over Billie (Sofia Pernas, Lexi from Blood & Treasure), who
is also seeking the finder's fee. She's The Woman Who Done Him Wrong,
having screwed him when they partnered on a past job. There's sort of an
attraction between the two but, in the moment, they don't even kiss.
They do end up working together.
Pernas is now Hartley's IRL wife, IIRC - he dumped Chrishell Stause for her. I imagine she'll be recurring on this show as a result...

Date Sujet#  Auteur
26 Mar 24 * Tracker "Lexington" 3/24/2024 (spoilers)5Adam H. Kerman
26 Mar 24 +* Re: Tracker "Lexington" 3/24/2024 (spoilers)2Ian J. Ball
26 Mar 24 i`- Re: Tracker "Lexington" 3/24/2024 (spoilers)1shawn
27 Mar 24 `* Tracker "Lexington" S01.E06 (spoilers)2Ubiquitous
27 Mar 24  `- Ubi the shithead plagarized me (was: Tracker "Lexington" S01.E06 (spoilers))1Adam H. Kerman

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