Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal

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Sujet : Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 26. Mar 2024, 18:10:16
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <utus17$1t4ak$>
References : 1 2 3 4
User-Agent : trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
BTR1701 <> wrote:
Ubiquitous <> wrote: wrote:

. . .

Neither are they "squatters" for the properties in question were never
abandoned. In your New York example, the criminal falsely told the
police he was a tenant. The police did not believe it. Strange, though,
that they failed to arrest him for making a false statement to the
police in a criminal investigation. Isn't that obstruction of justice?

As I understand it, the squatter claiming to be a renter means it's no
longer a police matter.

The police matter would be them responding to the fuckers I shot when I
came home and found them in my house.

Let's ignore shooting anybody.

I don't see why the police can't make an arrest of the criminals. The
rightful occupant calls the police, demonstrates evidence of occupancy
like a key to the lock, showing identification, mail with his own name
on it, utility bills, possibly even finding his own lease. Maybe there
is damage to a door or window.

The criminal claiming to be the rightful tenant has lied. He can be
charged with a crime for lying, for the breaking and entering, and for
criminal trespass.

Make the arrest. It is indeed a criminal matter.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
25 Mar 24 * Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal11moviePig
25 Mar 24 +* Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal7Adam H. Kerman
26 Mar 24 i+* Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal5Ubiquitous
26 Mar 24 ii`* Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal4Adam H. Kerman
26 Mar 24 ii `* Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal3shawn
26 Mar 24 ii  `* Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal2Adam H. Kerman
27 Mar 24 ii   `- Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal1Adam H. Kerman
27 Mar 24 i`- Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal1Rhino
26 Mar 24 +- Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal1Ubiquitous
27 Mar 24 +- Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal1shawn
27 Mar 24 `- Re: Organized Gangs of Illegals Prowl Countryside for Homes to Steal1suzeeq

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